Ghost Hound

posted by sooyup on , ,

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To be honest when I first started watching this I wasn't that sure that I would like it at all. I was expecting much from the man who gave us Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed and I got a totally different kind of anime.

Quick Summary: Ghost Hound is a sci-fi/supernatural/religion anime. The story mainly follows three young boys who have each experienced tramatic events in their lives. The three boys find out that they are able to leave their bodies and play in the spiritual like world where they encounting interesting other spritiual creaters. The plot progresses when each of the boys trys to find answers to their own tramatic events leading up to the larger plot envolving the large biolab and the dead non-life that the lab was manufacturing. In addition to this the local religion lady dies and the young daughter of the cities temple priest is kidnapped and forced to become a spritual leader. Thankfully it all gets wrapped up in a nice little package with the last episode leaving us content.

My Opinion: To be honest with with first couple of slower episodes I almost dropped this because it didn't seem to be progressing anywhere for any reason. But because I stuck with it I was greatly rewarded with a pretty decent overall anime series. It was definitely something different from Production IG and the man who created Ghost in the Shell which is actually a nice breath of fresh air. It shows that they are capable of doing different things than the same old same old. I'm trying to think of anything else to say but really it was just a good series that I grew to enjoy after the initial few slow episodes. I would say that it does get more interesting when they move away from the more science aspect of the shrink counseling the young boy who was kidnapped as a toddler and lost his sister. Once they stopped focusing so much on that and little else the series became more interesting while they explored more of the new spiritual land that they were able to visit. So if you were watching this series and dropped it because of the early episodes you might want to check out the whole series now. I will give it one thumbs up and would definietly recommend at least renting this if and when it becomes available.

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