Archive for December 2008

Last post of the year!

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That's right this is the very last post of 2008 and post number 192 I didn't make it to 200 but then I really didn't have a goal set for how many posts I was going to do or anything so I really think 192 post is a big accomplishment for myself. I can't give you a total number of page hits/visits either as I didn't start using google AdSense or google analytics until well into the year either. When I do the year end review later in the week I'll post the total number of visits that both of those sites give me (it's pretty low really) but no I just wanted to make a simple little WHOOHOO last post of the year post and take a little breather for a while.

Still don't have any plans for tonight so maybe I'll just hang out watch the ball drop and take a shot and celebrate the coming of the new year.

One of the few things that I decided that I was going to do was to completely drop yahoo and transfer everything to google since I do a majority of my interneting around google products the only thing that I wasn't doing was using IGoogle as a portal nor did I have GMail. So this morning I decided you know what before I start the new year I'm making that change. I'm going to dump yahoo mail and in favor of GMail and iGoogle. And that's what I spent the entire morning doing transferring accounts and all that good fun stuff. Looks like I still need to change a few accounts to reflect the new change. One of the reasons I really thought of changing email accounts was recently I started getting email spam from myself. And the yahoo spam filters just weren't cutting it anymore either.

Anyways here's to a new better happier and hopefully more prosperous year for one and all. Sorry this time I don't have any presents for you to ring in the new year with so you'll just have to settle for the cute image.

I can has prize!

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Normally I'm never one to win anything, not the mega millions or anything more than a couple bucks on some scratch tickets or any send off sweapstakes but I guess that just changed as a package arrived from Yen Plus from there latest contest containing a Soul Eater button and no less than 3 (identical, poo) Soul Eater mini posters. I'll keep one of the posters and take the other two to the local anime group to be given away to others. How nice of me right. I didn't feel like taking pictures of the button or the poster (still sick, poo) so you'll just have to enjoy this image of Blair from Soul Eater instead.

Thanks Yen Plus for the free swag it rocks.

Ghost In The Shell 2.0

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Not another break from the Best & Worst of 2008 but an aside to one. The Best & Worst animated movie of 2008. I don't believe GitS 2.0 is the best of the year but then there really isn't a worst animated movie of the year either (well that I've seen anyways). Honestly I think the honor of best animated movie of the year should go to Sword of the Stranger but I've already blogged about it and I'd rather much discuss the just recently released new version of Ghost In The Shell.

It's actually been a while since I've last seen the original version of the 1995 release of the movie so when I watched this version I didn't realize at first just how much they changed the original. You can definitely see the difference with the added CGI scenes but they also updated the look and feel of the entire film adding better lighting effects and improved textures and background scenes. It really does update the movie and make it look I think a lot better but I can't help but think they also added a bit more basset hound as well. But like I said it's been a while since I've seen the original. Not only did they add some new spiffy (well OK maybe just a bit overkill on the 3DCGI effects) graphics but this new release also got an updated new remixed sound track in 6.1 channel surround and also not only was the music updated but the vocals got some changes as well most notably the Puppet Master's voice was changed to that of a woman (makes a bit more since actually).

This all leads up one thing is it worth buying ANOTHER copy of Ghost in the Shell? Well it's definitely an improvement in my opinion but I wouldn't buy a SD copy of it no instead I think it would be one the first purchases that I'd make when/if I update to Blue-ray as I really think it would look stunning in HD. Honestly though the first Blue-ray purchase that I'd ever make would be the new Release of Ghost in the Shell: Innocence as that would just look fucking fabulous in HD. Actually I just want to go rewatch a bunch of Ghost in the Shell right now...dang it.

Oh and for a more side by side image comparison of the Original vs updated Ghost in the shell this guy did a great blog on it...Austrian Otaku Life

Weekly Review

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Miserable week really, STILL sick and it got worse with the voice giving out and because of that nothing fun, exciting or even remotely interesting happened. While it was Christmas this week it was only a small family lunch and Merry Christmas wishes. I got most of my Christmas cards out in time and I feel really guilty about not being able to get one out at all since I no longer have a current address for my dear Friend Brooke Ann and I know that's my fault really but I just don't really know what to say to her after not talking to her for 8 months. Because of the sickness I pretty much stayed in doors all the time and slept most of the time when I wasn't working so I mean really NOTHING happened this week. Since next week will be a NEW YEAR pretty much I'm gathering all my thoughts and weekly reviews for one massive...well OK not really massive year end review. And a look towards the next year. Maybe toss in some goals for the new year. And yeah that looks like the end of the weekly review hopefully the sick goes away soon (probably peter out by the end of this week) so that I might be able to get some snowy pictures this year as well. I guess that is one stupidly funny thing that happened I actually got stuck with my car in the front yard thanks to it snowing then raining then freezing and because I was to lazy and cold to move the car after my feeble attempt at shoveling the snow off the driveway. And because I didn't bring any pictures with me for either this post of the hottie of the week we're just going to have to borrow something from some where real fast and post that up.... lets seee...nothing Christmasy as I'm so over Christmas it's not funny... Ok how about this cute B&W image from yeah that'll work.

Best & Worst Anime Magazine of 2008

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It's been an interesting year for anime and manga magazines this year and you don't even have to take a guess at who I'll pick for the worst magazine of the year so lets look at who I thought should be the Best of the year. Well when first started thinking about this blog I was originally going to pick Yen Plus but had to change my find after I picked up the latest issue of Otaku USA because they fixed a problem that I felt left them in second place and that was their price point. They did that by doing away with the DVD...BUT they still gave you free download/streaming videos to watch instead with a password that is included in the magazine so you still got the free videos but at half the price. Something that could have very well saved New Type magazine probably. Actually no New Type's issue was with the parent company if I remember correctly so nothing could have saved it at that time. Anyways don't get me wrong Yen Plus is fantastic and if you like manga then you owe it to yourself to get it. However with Otaku USA lowering it's price it absolutely trounces on Anime Insider which is the same price and it doesn't give you free stuff either. Plus Otaku USA I believe offers more bang for the buck content and editorial wise even if they do pander just a bit to the mainstream [adult swim] watching only people with more covers of infamous cartoons than cool covers. Honestly if they want to remain the best they need to stop using Naruta, Bleach and Death Note for covers period.

The worst magazine of the year absolutely with a doubt goes to that stinker of a pile called PiQ oh what a terrible magazine it was. Meant to replace the dead New Type magazine PiQ promised to give us more of what we didn't want and less of what we did. Yup it went all pop culture on us and gave us everything under the sun that the reader just didn't give a shit about because they could read about it in just about any other magazine at the same time and then it simply cut WAY back on the anime. Honestly if you looked at PiQ and Play magazine it was pretty much the same damn magazine but Play was better looking and well it didn't make fun of the reader either like PiQ did. Oh yeah that's a great way to get readers, pick on them and tell them they are losers, smart move dumbasses. Oh yeah that's right you're all out of job because you all suck HAHAHAHA who's the one laugh now lame ass. I just hope everyone got their money back who subscribed to New Type and got swindled into getting PiQ instead.

Merry Christmas!

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Happy Holidays! May it be a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or something else today, this week and during the rest of the year may it be a festive fun and enjoyable time to be had with family and friends.

This Christmas will actually be a very white snowy Christmas which for Boise is rather unusual and yes I'm at work but that is OK since Christmas time with my family will be at 2pm today but I probably won't be staying long as I'm not feeling all that well still. Well actually my voice is going OK thanks to the cough which is still hanging around but everything else is doing much better. In any case here is a little bonus Christmas present from me to you all enjoy the lovely Idol as she wishes you a very Merry Christmas in her own little way. It's the same girl as in the photo BTW.

Merry Christmas -- Rapidshare link

Best & Worst Fanservice of 2008

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Where to start on the fanservice, seriously this year was chuck full of great moments in fanservice. You're also probably thinking what could possibly be the worst fanservice can fanservice even really be bad...yes yes it can but we'll get to that later.

But what was the best Fanservice of the year. We had Sekirei, Rosario + Vampire (both seasons), Kanokon, Kaman no Maid Guy and a whole host of other anime shows that gave us plenty to droll and lose blood over and I'm not even counting all the different DVD releases and OAD, OVA and other extras out there. Therefore I have to say that Kanokon did the best job of knocking the ball out of the field with it's way over the top and epic fanservice job. Then came the DVD releases which filled in all the things that were missing or hidden during the broadcast show and not to mention the WAY over the top DVD specials that didn't leave anything to the imagination. Kanokon was definitely the best guilty pleasure of the year.
Now about that worst fanservice. That goes to Rosario + Vampire Capu2 and here's why...That freaking annoying bear and bat. The first season we say just a bit of the bat covering up some fanservice here and there but it wasn't terrible. This current season the producers in an ever popular attempt at gaining higher DVD sales added an annoy lil' bear head image (that I want someone to vector in high res so that I can print it out and make it into a sticker so that I can take it out to the range and use it for target practice) in addition to the bat and have covered up so much of some scenes as to make it impossible to tell what is going on occasionally they let up but then they go right back to the heavy censoring of the fanservice so that you know it's there you just can't see anything other than that annoy bear or bat image. It's just so lame that it almost made the second season of Rosario + Vampire just unwatchable. Just for some DVD sales. Lame.

Best & Worst TV Channel of 2008

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Welcome back to another Best & Worst of 2008. This time we take a look at what I thought were the best anime related channels of the year and this one is an easy one if you've been following the blog at all. To celebrate the best TV channel of the year and the happy holiday season have a rather festive Yoko and Nia image.

It's going to be obvious that I think that the Best channel of the year is the SciFi channel. SciFi channel started doing Ani-Mondays about June of last year with some odd ball shows that I had never heard of like Tokko and Noein and occasionally I didn't like what they showed but I still watched it most of the time because it was so much better than watching CSI Miami but this year they gave us some great things the best in my own opinion is of course the airing of Gurren Lagann and currently they are airing the first season of Gundom 00 and while I'm not a Gundom fanboy it is still more entertaining than anything else on offer at the same time. It's unfortunate that I have to leave for work during the second half of the anime block but currently they are not airing anything that I'm missing out on. The good thing is that the Ani-Monday block doesn't look to be going anywhere anytime soon and maybe like earlier this year we'll get an extra day in February. I don't know what will be on after Gundom 00 finishes it's run but lets hope for something cool again.

Now on the other side of the fence the worst anime related channel by far has to be without a doubt lame ass [adult swim] for the utter stupidity that they showed this year as a programmer. You've heard me grip about how they thought it would be funny to replace their anime line up on Saturday with their insipid and horridly lame Sunday night line up and move the anime to one of the worst slots ever not only that but breaking up the new anime shows with the older anime shows. With Bleach sometime at 2am and the new series Code Geass and Moribito at 6am. The worse part is they replaced it with their own campy and crappy funny shows like Tim and Eric and Squidbillies and other lame shows. I swore off watching [adult swim] after that and not just on Saturday nope I said I'd no longer ever watch any day of [adult swim] if they continued that programing line up. Well I don't know exactly what happened but lately it looks like they got their heads out of their collective ass and repaired their Saturday anime line up and while we still have to suffer two hours of none anime shows but at least they are not the worst of the worst shows any more and I do no watch [adult swim] on Saturday they have lost me as a loyal watcher and fan.

Weekly Review

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What a crappy week. I did my good deed for the week by hanging up my grandma's Christmas lights for her on Monday only to wake up with a horrid dry hacking cough. I should have remembered that last year when I took down the lights I ended up doing the same exact thing. So no donating plasma for the week and I got to deal with a crappy cough which turned into running nose and stuffed up sinuses and the whole ball of wax. To bad I didn't have a pair of lovely Nurses like these two from Linebarrel to nurse me back to health but that's life right. By the end of the week the only thing I wanted to do was sleep which I did for both Friday and Saturday with a massive sinus headache like nothing else, I'd move my head and it would just hurt.

By Sunday afternoon I was feeling good enough to adventure out to the company Christmas Party which was held in Nampa and an extra 20 miles from work and it had been snowing for most of Sunday making the drive rather interesting and slow. And while on the the way there I ran out of windshield wiper fluid and a rather bothersome ingrown eyelash (or something to that effect) started irritating my right eye to the point that it's just about as red as you can get.

The Christmas party was OK nothing to spectacular or interesting but one can never pass up free food really and I was going to have to drive in the nasty weather anyways so I made the best of it and ended up with $20 GC to TGIFs and a lovely infected eye. Yeah this was a great week let me tell ya. I just want to go back home and go back to sleep for another week until I'm over the nagging cough and the stupid eyelash thing goes away. Speaking of next week it's Christmas week and I'll be featuring some nice Santa's helpers for the week. And a special Christmas bonus as well. You can look forward to that I guess, oh and it will be back to the best and worst of 2008 as well. Anyways I'm going to go try and hack up a lung and scratch an eyeball out until then.

Kara no Kyoukai 4: The Hollow

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We take this short little break in the Best and Worst of 2008 to bring you my latest review of the recently released fourth film in the Kara no Kyoukai series entitled The Hollow. Also known as Garan no Dou and Void Shrine so I don't know exactly why in the movie it was called The Hollow other than that makes a lot more since considering a large part of the movie was talking about Shiki's hole in her chest (figuratively speaking that is) and how she was empty on the inside with out the other Shiki. Again this movie jumps around in the timeline taking place before episode 1 and 3 but after episode 2 so keeping track of how things go is quit interesting to say the least. That and the long ass wait from the release of the third episode to this one doesn't help matters either.

So yeah about this movie. Well there isn't nearly that much action or suspense this is more of a development film where we get to see the meeting of Shiki and Touko in the hospital where Shiki develops her power of "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" after being in a coma for two years. Again in this film there is some rather stunning visuals both with Shiki's Red and Blue eyes and the what I'm guessing is the afterlife or the area between reality and the spirit world. Also it features a wonderful soundtrack as well.

Towards the very end of the movie it does toss in a great little fight for Shiki as she goes from laying in bed to fighting off a reanimated corpse that is being used by evil spirits from the Hospital. It was pretty good stuff but I was curious as to why when the end credits started to roll there was a good ten minutes left on the timer. Well it turns out that after the credits and before the short preview for the next episode (which looks like it's going to be awesome) there is a bit in there where we learn just how things started for those other kids in the previous movies. Rather interesting actually but I'm not going to spoil it for you'll just need to see the movie and don't forget to stay after the credits for an interesting bit of information.

While it wasn't the best or most action packed film in the series it does give you a great amount of information and isn't unlikeable of a film but if you haven't seen the other three films it just wont mean anything to you or keep you interested in finishing it for that last little bit of action at the end. I still haven't heard of anyone licensing this series which I think is rather stupid as I still think this would be a great release for here in the states. But what the hell do I know right. I just know you should be watching this if you haven't already.

Best & Worst Anime of 2008

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With so many good anime shows out this year it's almost hard to to pick just one out of the bunch to call the best of 2008 but I have to honestly say that for me I believe Macross Frontier was the best anime of the year.

Frontier had a lot of what I like about anime and was a much anticipated show that always had me looking for the next episode and while it was a giant space opera with the singing and love triangles and tragic deaths it was still awesome. Even though it sometimes looked like the entire budget was spent on the CGI battles (because they freaking looked awesome dang it) the none CGI bits occasionally looked really good as well and there was hardly ever a time when it looked like crap (the griffin fight comes to mind). It had just enough fanservice a ton of great battles and one freaking great soundtrack thanks to Yoko Kanno.

Now as far as worst anime of 2008 for me that goes to Monochrome Factor. After reading the little blurb that I found on Anime News Network I thought that it sounded like an interesting anime that I should check out. Well I was watching the first episode and all was going OK until the old guy told the young guy that he needed to open the gateway and he did this by kissing the younger guy and it was at that exact point where I clicked the mighty red x and followed that up by promptly deleting that show from my harddrive. Yaoi isn't my cup of tea and usually I steer well clear of it but I got suckered into that show by a promising plot and no mention of the Yaoiness of the show. That's why I'm saying it's the worst anime of 2008.

Best and Worst of 2008

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Only 15 more days until the new year and I for one will be very happy to see the end of 2008 that is for sure. In the mean time to kill some time I thought I'd do my own Best and worst of 2008 multi post series. Also it's a great way to look back at the things that have happened during the past year. So minus the weekends and the weekly review I believe I can have 10 categories for my best and worst of 2008 and they will be:

B&W Anime
B&W TV Channel
B&W Motorsports related
B&W fanservice
B&W Anime magazine
B&W Firearms related
B&W Blog
B&W webpage
B&W photography related
B&W Animated Film

I don't know what order I'll do them in and it could be different than this order so until then I'll just leave you with this image of Shiki Ryōgi from Kara no Kyōkai who's fourth film was released on DVD today (yesterday really) and will hopefully be available shortly for me to review as well before the end of the year.

Qipao week?

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Interesting, seems like there is a rash of qipoa wearing lovelies in my anime of late and just in time for my week of hotties in qipaos too. Since I really haven't blogged much about anime for a while this would be a good time to do so and what better thing to blog about then cute anime girls in even cutier qipao dresses. While I love the 3D lovelies in their dresses 2D girls take it to another level of course but that's thanks to anime's law of physics of course. While not nearly as popular as the maid uniform or the school girl outfits there always seems to be at least one or two anime shows during the year to have a lovely lady strutting about in about in a qipao. Last year it was Ikkitousen Great Guardians (of course) and Yakushiji Ryōko no Kaiki Jikenbo but this year there is at least three of them so far, well that are noteable anyways.

I just finished watching Rosario +Vampire Capu2's latest episode which had Moka-chan fighting in one and after a bit of poking around on 2chan I found out that in the next episode of Toradora both Minorin and Tiaga will be sporting them as well. Also while on 2chan I saw that Kemeko DX's next episode will have the main character's mom wearing one as well. While I think Moka-chan wins this round I couldn't find an image of her in the dress to post so you'll just have to settle for the girls of Toradora in theirs. Although I don't think anyone will complain really. However if that doesn't quite sate your appetite for lovely 2D ladies in qipaos my I suggest looking around gelbooru. I'm not responsible for any lose of blood due to massive nose bleeds that may occur while visiting that link FYI.

Weekly Review

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Wow what an interesting week for sure. Unfortunately I have no pictures for this week so I'll just have to post some incredibly hot honey to make you all happy. Hmmm who should it be, well we'll come back to that later I guess and tell you that this weeks hottie of the day will feature lovely ladies in Chinadoll dresses also known as a Cheongsam, Qipao and other names. One of the sexiest in my opinions dresses known to man. But anyways on to the weekly review.

The week was mostly the same old same old really nothing too exciting until the weekend when my roommate tried to kill me. We were messing around with the Turbo charged RX8 trying to calibrate the newly installed wideband but it wasn't working so removed it from the car, replacing it with the plug. Only problem is since the car exhaust was rather warm it wasn't tightened down. Then comes the next day and a trip out to the Nissan dealer to see if they had any 370Zs in stock (which they didn't) well on the way home we noticed that there was this really weird vibration coming from the engine bay of the car. Well it was only happening when the gas was applied so it was rather odd. About five minutes later we hear this object hitting the underside of the car (like a rock when you hit it with the tire or something) and the vibration was getting a bit more noticeable. So we figure that is what happened but decide to check on it at the next exit off the freeway.

Yup, sure enough missing plug and a massive exhaust leak right into the engine compartment. Well now what do we just keep going home like that and open the windows (while it's snowing and very much cold) or do we try to get a hold of someone to pick us up so we can go home get the other plug and come back. Of course we drive home giggling like school girls at the sound of a now very much race car sounding car of course the exhaust fumes may have had some effect on our giggling too though. Anyways we made it home safe and sound but smelling just a bit like car exhaust. Now we just need to remember to replace the plug before it goes anywhere but since it really started to snow like crazy that doesn't seem to be any time soon. Anyways a fun little adventure. Before we went for the drive though I had went to my grandma's to pick up her car to get the tires changed over to the studded tires for her and just in the neck of time too as the snow ended up sticking around and accumulating something near 4 or so inches in the last couple of days so that's both good and bad news.

After a quick nap after the adventure in the RX8 I headed off to the weekly Anime meetup to watch some anime with friends. This time it was pretty packed for a change which is a good thing. Watched some anime then headed back out into the now very slick and snowy winter weather conditions. Got home and yet again headed back out to play in the snow with the roommate in the Subaru Outback grabbed the camcorder and off in search of a large parking lot we went. Got a few videos and uploaded them to youtube. The focusing wasn't the best but it was a bit of late night fun anyways. Should of gone in the morning but the roommate had other things to do so I just did laundry instead.

The drive to work wasn't horribly bad and not nearly as bad as I thought it was and by tomorrow afternoon all the roads will be cleared again until the next winter storm blows in. Also only another week before Christmas. So until then have a safe and fun week.

RIP Bettie Page

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The first woman I ever saw naked died yesterday at the age of 85. The first nudie magazine I ever had the pleasure of looking at had this kinky Raven haired beauty known as Bettie Page gracing the cover of the magazine. Back then not more than 11 years old thumbing though copies of some old 50's stag magazine that my next door neighbor friend found in his grandfather's old belongings I discovered the queen of kink and arguably my first fantasy crush.

Bettie Page had an interesting life. Going from the queen of kink and fetish to probably the first ever adult star to find god and repent her old ways becoming nothing more than a historical icon regulated to obscurity. That is until her resurgence in what the late 90's when once again her pictures and the real Bettie Page made a come back bringing with it a new age of imitators and would be fetish models. Also my own leather and latex fetish period where I rediscovered the once forgotten queen of kink. .

And while my leather and latex fetish period has long since passed and many more fetish models have come and gone there is just no forgetting the original woman who started it all. She will be greatly missed by family, friends and all who had crushes on her or aspired to be like her, her memory will live on and she will never be forgotten or replaced. Rest in peace Bettie Page.
If you have any passing interest in Bettie Page I would seriously suggest watching the movie The Notorious Bettie Page. I loved that movie and I believe it did a great job of looking at the life of Bettie Page.

Inherited Holster

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Couple weeks ago my dad and grandma found in the back of drawer my grandfather's holster for the S&W Model 15 that I also inherited and they decided that I should have it as well. I was actually in the process of looking for a holster for the Model 15 at the time so the timing couldn't have been better and I gladly accepted it. When I first saw it I thought that it might have been hand made by my grandfather as well since he liked to work with leather in his spare time as well as gunsmithing but after a little looking around it turns out that it was a genuine Smith and Wesson made Holster specifically for the Model 15. Without a doubt a nicely manufactured and handy little holster so when I got it home I had to try it out of course.

Now being as that I'm a complete dork that actually meant a good amount of time was wasted playing cowboy and trying out different draw methods and tactics for both open carry and concealed carry. And yes I did attempt to draw, twirl then holster the Model 15 several times never did actually work though, the Hogue grips make it a bit chunky to actually twirl it that well. The important thing that I did come away with from the cowboy play is that it isn't easy to conceal such a large and chunky revolver unless I'm wearing my huge leather jacket. The holster pokes out from underneath any of the other jackets and coats I own. Not good but then I really wasn't considering CCWing the revolver anyways but just had to try it out. It'll be good for open carry out in the woods (you can still do that in Idaho damnit) or when out shooting with the friends so I don't have to lug the revolver around all the time just stick it in the holster and it's good to go.

Of course all this just meant that I could dig out the camera equipment and take some more pictures and you can find the rest of the ones that I took of the holster and gun at the usual place of course on Flickr, all the new pictures are at the end.

Allison and Lillia

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The second half of Allison & Lillia is all about the adventures of Allison's daughter Lillia and her childhood friend Treize. It's at this point that I was going to link to my blog about the first half of the show but I guess I never did blog about that after all. Kinda feel really stupid now.

Yeah so Allison & Lillia.... the complete anime series all 26 episodes are nicely broken down to two 13 episode mini seasons. The first half focuses on Allison and her childhood friend Will Allison is the trouble maker who likes to drag poor Will along on her escapades during their story they run up against the military forces that do not want the truth about the land's history to come to light. Of course they find the all important artifact that ends the centuries long war. After which they go on even more adventures this time saving a young Princess and bringing her back to power. The end of their story ends with the Princess happily married to one of Allison's and Will's friends and even Allison and Will are happy and married. However Will takes off on a train and supposedly dies leaving a poor knocked up Allison to fend for herself.

Thus starts the second half of the anime with a now 13 year old Lillia the just as mischievous daughter of Allison and Will. Then we meet Major Travas Allison's new boyfriend but wait no he is in fact Will. Of course EVERYONE knows this but Lillia. Anyways Lillia herself sets off on her own adventures with her childhood friend Treize the secret Prince and son of the Princess from the first half. So Lillia and Treize set off on their own adventures and causing trouble here and there most of the time revolving around poor Treize's secret identity that yet again poor Lillia is unaware of. Again at the end everything gets resolved but ends with us thinking that poor Treize died saving Lillia. Thankfully it that part is short lived when we see that Treize did survive and enrolled in the same school as Lillia so that they can be together.

I really enjoyed this series and would really like to see it released in the states but I haven't heard anything about any one licensing it yet. There is a lot to like about the series from the pretty good story telling different animation style and wonderful sound track it would be a great series to share with others. Pretty light hearted and more fun than serious it's just a good time anime.

Hot Korean Actress Sun Ye Jin Korean Beautiful Girls

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Hot Korean Actress Sun Ye Jin Korean Beautiful Girls

Sun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSun Je JinSon Ye-jin (born Son Yeon-jin, January 11, 1982 in Daegu, South Korea) is a South Korean actress. After graduating from the Film Art Department, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Son made her debut in the MBC drama Delicious Proposal (Sweet Proposal) in 2001, and also later went on to films.

She is noted for her acting roles in the film The Classic, as well as the 2003 KBS drama Summer Scent, co starring Song Seung-hun and 2006 SBS drama Alone in Love.
Label : Son Ye Jin , korean girls , hot girls , girls , hot korean girls , south korean girls , beautiful korean girls

Resident Evil: Degeneraton

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Well look at that a new Resident Evil movie is coming out but this time no sexy Milla and it's in CGI. Hmmmm...wonder if this will be any good. Well thankfully I didn't have to wait until the end of December to find out if Resident Evil: Degeneration lived up to the hype. Actually before watching this movie I've only read a little bit here and there. I knew it was going to be CGI and that it was going to keep in the same time line as the video games (yeah another video game based movie) and that it was going to be set around a zombie (t-virus mutants) outbreak at an airport.

So now imagine my surprise while watching the movie that the airport outbreak lasted all of 30 minutes of the total hour and 36 minutes of the movie. I was actually kind of surprised about that but also glad that it wasn't an hour and 36 minutes of running around inside an airport killing zombies. That would have been seriously boring and a terrible movie.

The rest of the film was taken up by the investigation of the outbreak and the subsequent zombie outbreak at the new research lab caused by a terrorist bombing that also unleashed the G-virus creating one of those huge near invincible mutant zombies. Everything gets resolved of course zombies all die our intrepid heroes survive and of course the main bad guy gets his in the end leaving us with another research science company cleaning up the mess and well pretty much becoming a rather formulaic zombie movie of which you can read the entire plot here on wiki.

To be honest the only RE game that I've ever played was the first one on the original Playstation back in 96 and other than the live action movies I don't follow the RE franchise so I can't make any judgements on how this works for the franchise but what I can tell you about the movie is that it was an OK movie to watch I wouldn't bother buying it but might rent it to watch with friends later on. It's definitely not nearly as horrid as the other recent video game movie that was released. The one that they are still hawking on TV Commercials that I think really stunk....Dead Space. Took me a while to remember because it sucks that much. If you're into the RE video game franchise definitely check it out though.

Now about that CGI, it was pretty good for the most part. Some of the people looked well the first thing I thought of was balloon people and they just didn't act at all like a real body would. The main cast was motion captured but you can tell when it went from the motion capture fluid like movement to the marionette balloon like movements. The G-virus mutant zombie though was fantastic looking and some of the details where just freaking outstanding though.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

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When Deepdiscount had their huge sale going last month one of the titles that I wanted to pick up was The Girl Who Leapt Through Time because I thought it was one of the better animated movies from last year. Unfourtantely it wasn't available at the time so was rather disappointed that I wasn't able to pick it up. However, Netflix did have it available and I recently received it last weekend and was able to at least watch it again in it's dubbed version.

I'm not a fanatical anime dub hater, no in fact I like most of the dubbed versions of anime and find it interesting to see the differences between the dubbed and subtitled versions. And while I haven't seen The Girl (for short) in it's subtitled version for a good year or so I believe the dubbed version did a very splendid job of capturing both the emotional and enjoyable moments of this animated film. It's definitely on my Christmas wishlist as I would really enjoy owning this movie so that I could share it with others to show them just how great anime can be outside of Bleach, Naruto and Pokemon. I'd put it right up there with my collection of Makoto Shinkai films actually.

What's interesting about this film is that it's actually only a single (and most recent) part to a large collection of Girl Leaping tails and stories that started way before I was even born and has had many different adaptations during that time leading up to this animated sequel to the original story. Thankfully you don't need to know all of that to understand, enjoy and appreciate this animated movie.

The first time I watched The Girl it didn't have as profound a reaction as it did this time around because of how much things have changed since than and how much I really understand now just how important a message "Time waits for no one" really is.

So don't let time or this movie slip you by and go rent or buy it today. You wont be disappointed.

Weekly Review

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Well that was a rather boring start to the last month of the year. Of course that also means there is only 4 more weeks left of the year. Last week was a rather slow week of blogging and everything else really. Another slow week that I should have taken the time to catch up with friends and family since I haven't really been in touch with a lot of friends lately and now is the best time to do that catching up with you know.

The only thing that I did last week that didn't involve working, sleeping or donating plasma was I got bored and I busted out the camera gear and took some pictures. I took some test pictures of Yoko with the ammo and I discovered that I really need to work on that some more as only one picture came out crystal clear (the one I posted here) while most of the others had halo effects going on all over the place not to mention being out of focus as well. And since I haven't done any firearms photography in a while either I took some pictures of a holster that my grandma gave me for the Model 15 revolver. Her and my dad found it the other day while cleaning up some of my grandpa's belongs and she thought it would be good if I were to have it. But that's a blog for another day.

I did also pick up most all of my Christmas cards for the season so I'll be getting those written up and mailed off in the next couple weeks. I am however really getting annoyed with the Christmas music already. Doesn't help that I have to listen to it at work for a good solid 8 freaking hours five days a week. It's enough to drive someone insane.

So that's it for the first (boring) week of December and on to the next one. Hopefully it will be more interesting.

Hello Moko!

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So the other day while adventuring across the vast waste lands of the Internet I happened to be directed to this interesting Chinese page and while I can't read a thing of Chinese it didn't take me long at all to find the best damn thing on the Internet since....well...I guess the best damn thing on the Internet is free porn and this is just more of the same really well minus the raunchy naked sex part. No, I found Moko Top Girl! at which is a bounty of beautiful Chinese ladies artfully and tastefully photographed for the viewer's pleasure. Sort of like FHM and Maxim but with ONLY Asian ladies. I'm thinking next week's hottie of the day will be entirely made up of Moko Top Girls.

Oddly enough when I first found it I wasn't sure if I wanted to visit the site in the first place because it was from a .CC (Cocos Island) domain and a lot of spammers and hackers and well I wasn't sure if it was a rick roll looking to invade and conquer my computer so I stayed away from it until Some one else tried it out first and came back with thumbs up and said that it was an OK site to check out and to be honest I haven't had any issues since I've tried it out myself so I'm pretty sure that it's a safe site to navigate. I wonder if "No honest I was only looking at the hot babe pictures, I swear" would be a good excuse if the feds show up asking questions....hmmm.

Moko.CC isn't just about hot Chinese ladies oh no they have an interesting Avatar Idol called MokoMan (see above) which gets pchoped into different things all for a good laugh. They also feature some real photography art (not involving half naked Asian ladies) graphic design folios and even for the surfing ladies out there a couple male models as well. I just click around and try to find all the good stuff so I'm sure there is even more wonderful stuff to find there as well.

Let me not forget though that if you like moving pictures of hot Chinese ladies no worries there either as also has a Youtube channel called fmplaymoko.

November Swag

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Couldn't think of anything better to blog about lately so thought I'd blog about the last of the swag that I got during November. If you recall I mentioned that Deep Discount has having a huge sale and I ended up picking up Kite Liberator and another copy of Blood the Last Vampire. Blood the Last Vampire was one of the first DVD purchases that I made back in oh I don't know the late 90s and I let a friend borrow it and before to long they had moved away and I never did get the DVD back, and yet I still have the case. I also wanted to pick up the twin pack of the first Kite movie and the Mezzo Forte movie but the only one they had in stock was the edited version and I didn't want to get that one so ordered the uncensored version off ebay for a pretty price really.

In addition to those movies like I mentioned in the weekly review I went to the Porsche dealer parts department and picked up a new hat (go Martini Racing!, I wish they would do Gulf-Weyer stuff as well though) and a couple wall calendars and the new accessories catalog which I like to thumb through and drool. What I didn't mention was a side trip to Costco where I found an Audi RS4 diecast model (Found an R8 but I already had one and paid 3 times as much for it, jenga cat) and couldn't pass it up. That makes I think pretty damn close to 150 diecast cars that I own now.

After taking this picture I realized that I had forgotten something else that I had gotten this month and haven't made any mention of and that is a couple Gurren Lagann magnets which are residing here along with other interesting magnets on our frig at the moment. A good smattering of comics, anime, cars and other stuff. The real shiny one is actually a Star Wars trading card that I had glued (yes glued damn it) to one of those lame free Dr. magnets that we always get with the phone book.

Weekly Review

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And that concludes November. One more month two more paychecks and the end of the year will be here sooner than you think but first lets review last week.

Nothing happened on Monday and that's the only day something didn't happen. Tuesday I donated plasma than on the way home I decided to stop off at the Porsche Parts department and check to see if they had gotten their calendars in for the new year and sure enough they had. So I grabbed two and noticed that they also got a new shipment of hats in as well and picked up a new Porsche hat as well. They also showed me some one's Porsche 908 Martini diecast model that they had on hold and I got to say they are well worth the $90 bucks. So want one, but I want the Gulf one instead of the Martini one.

While on the way home from that I drove past the repair place by our house and spied the RUF 911 again so ran home and grabbed the camera and took pictures of it this time. While it's dirty as sin I think I managed to grab some pretty decent snap shots of a very unique car that you don't get to see that often even if I'm not a fan of the Cabriolets or slant nose cars myself it was still a beautiful edition and something to admire. And then I was told that it might be a clone so will be heading back to see if I can't get another look at it and write down the vin number to check out it's history as RUF cars get their own unique vin numbers it'll be easy to tell if it's a clone or not. In any case there are a few more images at flickr along with the daily babe image which this week will be all Aki Hoshino, hope you like it.

Then came Wednesday and some serious work as I went to my grandma's house and raked up the leaves in her yard. Then I discovered that I had muscles in places that I never knew about because they let me know about how much they didn't like doing all that work. Also some trees are just mean when it comes to fall and dropping their leaves. But it was a good thing to do for my grandma and she fed me and payed me and we had a good conversation so it was all good, well until I woke and and my whole body ached and I still had to go to work.

Which brings us to Thursday and Thanksgiving. Hope you all had a wonderful time with friends and family because I sure did nothing to fancy really just went and had a late lunch with the family and talked about old times and what not while enjoying a yummy turkey dinner while I was thinking about just how would a Thanksgiving pizza taste...that's right a pizza made with all the helpings of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah my roommate didn't think it was a good idea either.

Friday was a restful day and then we have Saturday oh what a day or night really as my roommate and I headed to a friend's new place for a party and LOL oh what a fun party it was while I didn't drink that much as I was supposed to be a DD for the night I was sober enough to enjoy the painful yet way to funny antics of friends while failing at flirting. Poor guys and probably bad me for laughing at their misery but damn it it was funny and probably one of the better parties I've been to in a while.

Of course what could be better than ending the week on a great note like that...oh wait it's not over yet nope had to do laundry and damn if karma didn't get me back for laughing at my friends as I washed my wallet with my pants. I mean it's great finding a dollar in the wash you think oh look at that I had an extra dollar and then you find another and then you realize just what happened. Hey at least my wallet smells fresh now and my plastic cards are nice and clean too...Damn it. What a way to end the week.

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