Best & Worst Anime of 2008

posted by sooyup on , , , ,

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With so many good anime shows out this year it's almost hard to to pick just one out of the bunch to call the best of 2008 but I have to honestly say that for me I believe Macross Frontier was the best anime of the year.

Frontier had a lot of what I like about anime and was a much anticipated show that always had me looking for the next episode and while it was a giant space opera with the singing and love triangles and tragic deaths it was still awesome. Even though it sometimes looked like the entire budget was spent on the CGI battles (because they freaking looked awesome dang it) the none CGI bits occasionally looked really good as well and there was hardly ever a time when it looked like crap (the griffin fight comes to mind). It had just enough fanservice a ton of great battles and one freaking great soundtrack thanks to Yoko Kanno.

Now as far as worst anime of 2008 for me that goes to Monochrome Factor. After reading the little blurb that I found on Anime News Network I thought that it sounded like an interesting anime that I should check out. Well I was watching the first episode and all was going OK until the old guy told the young guy that he needed to open the gateway and he did this by kissing the younger guy and it was at that exact point where I clicked the mighty red x and followed that up by promptly deleting that show from my harddrive. Yaoi isn't my cup of tea and usually I steer well clear of it but I got suckered into that show by a promising plot and no mention of the Yaoiness of the show. That's why I'm saying it's the worst anime of 2008.

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