Archive for June 2009

Queen's Blade

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Tits, asses and swords is a pretty simple explanation of what Queen's Blade is. Another one would be Ikkitousen in a very small middle ages world...with even less clothing. I mean really there is just SO much fanservice in this series that it's borderline hentai.

For me Queen's Blade has been pretty interesting more for it being the first time I've ever gotten a DMCA Violation notice and having the Internet shut off for a couple hours. Just to bad there are so many other ways to get things when you really want them and getting the notice only wanted me to keep watching it that much more. SUCKERS! The second part is that for something like this I really thought there would be some great subs for it but what the hell it seems like not a single one of the bigger sub groups wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole. So to be honest the subs were not all that great some got a bit better after a couple episodes but then fucking hell the sub groups had to get all territorial and totally screwed the last episode up just for a bitter little battle with another sub group. Really ruined the last episode in my opinion but what can you say for watching it for free. Guess I'll just have to wait for someone smart to license it here in the states. After all it was good enough to get the studios to green light a second season.

To be honest Queen's Blade is heavy in T&A but it's lite in plot and substance. You can see that they occasionally tried to toss in some substance with the main character doing a bit of character building and fighting skills improvement ala most Shonen titles but really it's a travelers getting into fights with the bad guys looking to win the ultimate prize after reaching the Queen's castle. Where it'll be an all out grudge match to see who gets to be the next Queen. There is a bit of humor tossed in as well but mostly it's just glorified fighting that is mostly used as an excuse to tear each other's clothing off each episode.

It's a totally mindless guilty pleasure show that succeeds at doing what it sets out to do. It's not looking to be taken seriously as a great fighting anime it's not looking to be the best buddy adventure anime it's just trying to give the fans of the Queen's Blade franchise something to droll over for 12 episodes and it did that hands down. Could it have been better you bet but really why there just isn't any real need to do so. Like Ikkitousen the DVDs are getting short 3 minute long OVA episode which are just plain total fanservice I just watched the first one and I think they had their cloths on for less than a minute of the episode. Now I just need to get it subbed to see what they were talking about. Here's looking forward to the next season and even more T&A with swords action and hopefully to a good safe release that will make it even that much more enjoyable.

Looked for the OVA on YouTube but couldn't find it but I think you might like the non credit opening that I found. Hopefully it actually stays around for a while.


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So you either like this series or you hate it. I don't think there is any middle ground on this one. While I'm not usually a big fan of the overly Moe series I will freely admit to loving this series and would absolutely recommend watching it, now if it would just get licensed for the states so that I can buy it and make all my friends suffer though repeated viewings of it.

What is K-on!? It's a fun loving never takes itself serious slice of life/musical anime series that follows a group of high school girls who join their school's lite music club. At first it's just Mio, a scaredy-cat bass player and Ritsu the leader and drummer who are a part of the group. Soon Yui a timid young girl joins the group thinking that she can join the group with her castanet playing skills but soon ends up being a guitarist even though she can't read sheet music or really even play the guitar. After a little bit Mugi joins the group as a keyboardist and while she comes from a wealthy family (provides for comic relief here and there) she is more interested in offering up tea and sweets much to the delight of the other girls. Their advisor is the music teacher Sawako who got blackmailed into her role as advisor to keep her Heavy Metal past in the past. She enjoys hanging out with the girls and is often finding ways to get the girls to cosplay. During the second year Yui's younger sister Ui, a much more mature girl than her sister, helps out occasionally and is a part of the gang but does not actually join the club. Her friend Azusa another guitarist and a first year student joins the club after watching the girls play. She is often perplexed by how the girls can be so good but practice so little. Yui nicknames her Azu-nyan after Sawako puts some cat ears on her head.

Toss all these girls together add fun adventures a sprinkle of yuri undertones and the occasional musical performance in and you have the ingredients for a very fun good time moe series. Oddly enough a lot of the Japanese Otakus were more in an uproar over all the rather expensive items that they could point out in series but that didn't keep them from creating a ton of fanservice material though. The first time I posted about how many images that were on Danbooru for Mio it was around 600 now it's standing at close to 1700 and still climbing. Images for K-on! in general is even more at almost 3000. That's a lot considering it's only been around as an anime since the beginning of April.

I've posted the ending song video before so this time I'm going to leave you with the opening song.

Weekly Review

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What a hectic week with little chance to blog about anything due to several reasons. To be honest work and the godawful amount of laundry that I have to fold every night has been leaving me exhausted when I get home compounded by the worrying about moving and where we were going to stay for the first week of July and the energy people who are coming and going from our house this last week has pretty much taken it's toll. Thankfully we have the house to ourselves for the last of our stay here and everything has been worked out so things should be calming down until the final move. I also managed to get time off for the actual move date as well.

While most of the week was lost to all of that craziness some good things did come of it. I finally had to make the jump and signed up for facebook. Haven't done much with it just yet though. The reason I signed up finally is so that I could download a video for the up coming Sun Valley Road Rally so that I could upload it on YouTube to share. However I just found it on YouTube when I did a quick search on google for any information regarding the Sun Valley Road Rally and other than the YouTube video I didn't find any information on it. It'll definitely be something to check out later in the year and hopefully before that there will be more information. Here's the video.

A few other good things that happened this week is that I was able to finish off a few more Spring anime series and download the latest Super GT event so that I can watch that maybe a bit later this week. I also discovered that they are in fact STILL voting for the Moko Top Girl but hell it's been going on for so long now and with no end in sight it's just kind of pointless at the moment. So I'm going to leave you this week with another image of some hottie Race Queens since I have nothing better to post.

Eden of the East

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First of the Spring season animes to be finished is a short (11 episodes) series called Eden of the East or Higashi no Eden. Even though it was short there was a lot going on and made for one of the more interesting and must watch series of the season.

The back plot of the series is a "game" orchestrated by an unknown person only known as Mr. Outside. He selected 11 Japanese citizens referred to Selecao to be given a cell phone with 10 billion Yen registered to it. The game is simple each Selecao is to use their 10 billion to "save" all of Japan if they don't use the money to that end, run out of money or in some way break any other rules (like trying to take another Selecao's money) the 12th Selecao known as the Supporter will kill them. The first Selecao to save all of Japan wins the game and the rest regardless of their phone's balance will be eliminated as well. Sounds fun doesn't it.

The main plot however focuses on Selecao #9 and a young woman named Saki whom he meets in Washington DC after Saki gets into a bit of trouble and #9 who's name is Akira saves her by showing up naked with only a cell phone and a gun in his hands. The cops run after him but lose him and Akira finds Saki who gives him her coat. From there a rather odd friendship forms. After a bit more shenanigans in DC they both arrive back to Japan where their friendship grows as Akira tries to get back his memories. Soon Akira remembers more and more about what has happened with regards to the phone, money and the game. Because of this we find out that Akira is responsable for saving several thousand lives from a previous Selecao's actions which resulted in a launch of several missiles that hit Japan. Akira decides that he wants to find Mr. Outside and crush the game and bring it to an end and uses Saki and her computer friends to help him to that end. The friends are all part of a computer club and they developed a unique computer program called Eden that from what I can tell allows people to tag images with information.

A couple of the Selecao started grouping together to find and out Mr. Outside and bring an end to the game as well but in a much more destructive way by trying to take control of Juiz the female voice that acts as a go between for the Selecao and their wishes. She turns out to be a very sophisticated computer system developed by Mr. Outside. Akira and his new friends find out about a new missile attack that is scheduled and are able to destroy the missiles and save Japan. Akira decides to become the King of Japan and whip his memory again after all the missiles are destroyed. Which ends the series sorta.

Thankfully we're in luck because there are two motion picture movies in the works and hopefully those will give us an ending that gives us the rest of the back plot and we get to see Akira slug Mr. Outside like he wants to. Of course since they are motion picture movies it'll be some time before we will get to see them (May of next year perhaps) so that is going to suck.

One of the more interesting side stories that we get in the series is that of the 11th Selecao an owner of a modeling agency and the notorious Johnie killer/snipper. She uses her money to cover up her serial killer antics as she uses a cigar cutter to snip off the "Johnies" from men who are abusive to women.

I definitely enjoyed this series and would like to see this licensed here in the states. It would probably depend on the movies though. One of the good things it has going for it is that it's a Production I.G. series which stands a good chance of being picked up, maybe even getting picked up by [adult swim]. If you haven't had the chance to see it and don't want to wait for someone to license it than I'd definitely recommend finding it and watching it I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you don't believe me here is the English subbed promo for it.

Weekly Review

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Hey look there it goes...yup that thing that just went by was another week. Lets see what happened last week. Well oddly enough after posting last weeks weekly review it decided to rain again and this time we all jumped into the Subaru Outback and went offroading in the mud. We forgot again to take the mudflaps off (you'd think we would have learned our lesson the first couple of times) so the car didn't get as muddy as it could have and I didn't want to take my camera equipment out in the rain so we didn't get any pictures until we got back home. In any case it was a lot of fun and we didn't get stuck thanks to me going..."NO! that's not a good idea!" anytime we came up to a too big of a mud puddle, sure it would have been fun but I really wasn't looking forward to any extra dirty pushing work for the afternoon.

So that was Sunday the rest of the week well yeah it pretty much sucked after that actually. It was pretty much just work, pack, sleep and repeat toss in just a bit of worrying about were I might live for 7 days in July when we have to move out the rental house and the 1st of the month until the roommate actually takes possession of his house on the 7th. Fun but we are still trying to work out a deal with the landlord the people who have rented the place after we move out and us. Thankfully we both of plans just in case but it's going to be really crazy for the first week in July and there's even a autocross event and car show in the middle of all that. Go figure.

So that just brings us full circle to today and today is Father's Day last year this time we were still working to replace the engine in the roommate's RX-8. So for any fathers reading this Happy Father's Day for any one with a dad don't forget to tell them Happy Father's Day. And of course that brings us to the end of the weekly review and the next couple weeks are just going to be insane so if I don't get around to posting anything for while you know why. Later.

Korean Idols Girl Park Chae Rim Hot Picture

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Korean Idols Girl Park Chae Rim Hot Picture

chae rimchae rimchae rimchae rimchae rimchae rimchae rim Park Chae-rim (born March 28, 1979) is a South Korean actress. She was noted for her role in the MBC drama All About Eve. Park made her debut in the drama Kaist. She is widely known and addressed as "Chae Rim" to many of her fans as well as fan propaganda magazines. Park married singer Lee Seung-hwan (14 years her senior) on May 24, 2003. On March 31, 2006, Lee's agency "Cloud Fish" released news of the couple's divorce. The reason stated was because of the couple personality differences, which caused the couple to separate since early December 2005
Tags : korean girl , park chae rim , idol girls , hot girl , picture

Koharu Biyori

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Also known as Indian Summer, is a 9 episode (3 OVAs actually) anime series that is entirely made up of lolz and fanservice complete with tentacle (Octopus God)scenes and large jiggly goodness.

Basically Indian Summer is a fun romp though the daily misadventures of a robotic maid her master, who just wants to dress up his maid robot in cute moe outfits, and a whole host of extra characters throughout the series. The laughs and fanservice start right off the bat when Yui (robot maid) shows up at her master's home in a box naked as the day she was made. From there its not long before new characters are added at a regular interval from the jiggly and funny cafe girl who quickly develops a crush on the Mr. Murase (master) to the mother and daughter team. Following the human introductions are another two robots an older moe maid robot without a master and a new prototype robot that Mr. Murase helped create without his knowing. There are also two other characters who just show up here and there along with their Octopus God for more fanservice hijinks.

With a cast of fanservice stereotype women and a very small plot you would think this wouldn't be all that great of series just offering up nonstop fanservice at the expensive of anything worth while but you'd be mistaken. Not only is there a ton of fanservice but there is a non-stop slapstick comedy that keeps you laughing though out the series. That's what makes Indian Summer worth recommending sure the fanservice is nice but the comedy is what completes the deal. Since it's a single disc it shouldn't be all that expensive to pick up but if you're not to sure about it you can definitely rent it from Netflix like I did.

Here is a commercial for the series.

Ha Ji Won Hot Korean Girl and Cute Girls

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Han Ji Won Hot Korean Girl and Cute Girls

ha ji wonha ji wonha ji wonha ji wonha ji wonha ji wonha ji won Ha Ji-won's success has come in a relatively short time. Starting out in TV and mostly giving supporting roles in several films, she was far from the well known actress that she is today in South Korea.

In 2002 she was cast in the horror Phone (6644), a film that took a familiar premise and managed to do something a little different with it. It wasn't perfect but above all it was a showcase for Ha Ji-won, winning her a best actress nomination at the Blue Dragon awards, securing her many more film offers. Since then Ha Ji Won has gone on to make Sex is Zero and more recently, Reversal of Fortune. An avid lover of horse riding, when she's not making movies she will often go back to one of her favorite pastimes.

In Ha Ji Won's latest film Slave Love. Ha ji won is dumped by her boyfriend, high school girl Ha Young (Ha Ji Won ) vents her anger by kicking a can on the street. But that aimless kick costs her 3 million won!Kim Jae-won from blockbuster TV series "Rooftop Room Cat" and Ha Ji-won from smash hit TV drama "Da Mo" show off extraordinary comedic flair in "Slave Love"! The can innocent Ha Young kicks accidentally hits Hyun Jun's (Kim Jae-won) luxury car. Hyun Jun charges her 3 million won for repair, but having no money to repay the amount, Ha Young accepts the term to work for Hyun Jun as his slave for 100 days. Having house cleaned up, car washed, Ha Young finds out the repair only costs 10 thousand won! As Hyun Jun comes to Ha Young's home as a home tutor, she is set to revenge her shame on him!

Based on a popular Internet novel, love comedy "Slave Love" now comes in a limited edition offering an original soundtrack CD and extras like commentary, interview with the production crew, the making of documentary, film trailer, photo gallery and more.
Tags : korean girl , cute girls , ha ji won , hot girls , korean girls ,

Superflat First Love

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Time for something a bit different. YouTube can bring to you a wonderment of interesting things and occasionally let you experience things that you just wouldn't otherwise be able to experience without it. Thanks to YouTube I've was able to experience the animated talents of Takashi Murakami a contemporary Japanese artist known for creating the Superflat art style but you can read more about that on the wiki link. I first became aware of his art and animation when I first saw Superflat Monogram and instantly was interested in his work but like many things my interest in his work soon hit the back burner but just the other day something new popped up and it looked very similar to something and sure enough it looked like he was at it again with this second animation for that incredibly over priced and hyped luggage maker Louis Vuitton but you know what it's worth it for great entertaining animated short that has a fantastic visual and audio experience.

After I watched that I ended up clicking around on some other YouTube links to see if there was anything else interesting of his out there and I'd highly suggest you do that as well because it looks like he's actually working on his own animated film with his own critters. But there are also video clips of his non-animated art as well that's just as interesting to watch as his animated shorts. You can check out the latest animated short Superflat First Love now and I gave you the link to the first one up above earlier so after you check out the second one you can check out the first one. I still think the first one is slightly better maybe just for the lack of the LV stuff.

Infinite Space

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Mini episode animes with really short run times can be either really good or just way out there. Infinite Space (wiki) is one of those way out there short series thanks to it's four episodes with each episode only being a few minutes long each. They are really meant to get you interested in the game that they are marketing towards more than making a coherent and strong story. First released on the Infinite Space web page however it has been subbed and released on YouTube and you can find most of the episodes there. Occasionally they'll take down an episode but most of the time all four episodes are there if you want to check it out. As a marketing tool for the just released in Japan Nintendo DS game by the same title it's a pretty interesting concept even if the episodes really don't mesh up all that well to tell a complete story.

The game does look interesting though and I never would have thought about it if I hadn't had to go looking for information on the anime series so I think the marketing paid off in that aspect. The game will be released state side soon not to sure about the anime though maybe they'll bundle a DVD with the game. Almost makes me want to get a DS and the game because it looks so interesting with the whole design your own ship and all that jazz. Anyways here is the first episode that I found on YouTube so that you can check it out as well if you haven't, just don't expect much.

Weekly Review

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Another week has yet again flown by. Little happened this week besides the routine work, sleep repeat. Did a bit more packing and cleaning but the constant on again off again rain which is rather unusual for this time of year. In any case I was sitting here thinking of what I could blog about for this week and while the thought of blogging about my pealing sun burnt skin disgusts me and probably you I remembered something that I didn't blog about last week or on the last autocross blog and that was the rather interesting thing about getting strippers to show up at the autocross event.

An idea from one of the guys who owns/manages (I'm not sure really) the local Spearmint Rhino bikini bar said that he'd bring some girls over to help promote the Snake River Region SCCA club at the Big Boy Toy Expo and on the forum we we all excited about that idea whoohoo Strippers at autocross...yeah then they showed up in their single piece stretch fit jumper outfit. Two of them both from what I'd call the lunch group ladies. If you've ever been to a bikini bar in the early hours of the day the girls are not the A-list dancers you get on Friday and Saturday evenings far from it. In other orders not so pretty strippers showed up and none of us were excited about the strippers after we caught an eyeful of the girls. Good laugh on us I guess. There was two other girls there promoting a new bar as well that were out hanging around the autocross and I recognized one girl from the Miss Roadster show that was held during the Boise Roadster Show from January. This is her video from the Miss Roadster show.

This was the last week of the Moko Top Girl voting at and I don't know if it was due to me posting about it (LOL I highly doubt I had any part in it) but Momo jumped from 7th to 2nd for a good couple days and she finally settled on what should be the last day of voting at 4th place. Not to bad and hey at least she made the top five right. This means I'm taking a break from posting Moko Top Girls in the hottie of the day section and posting other hottie Asian girls for your enjoyment. So with that I give you the end of another week and another pair of hottie Race Queens.

Vampire Girl Vs. Frankenstein Girl

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Sweet looks like another morbidly blood gore feast Japanese movie from the same people that brought you the likes of Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl. It's another bloody gore infused tail of love gone wrong as a Vamp and a normal woman fall in love with the same person. Vamp girl slices and dices normal girl up and normal girl is repaired by crazy scientist father to create Frankenstein girl and the battle royal starts and body parts and gallons upon gallons of blood will be spilt.

Probably chuck full of stupid cgi and fake laughable body parts flying about and of course pretty bad acting but damn you know it's going to be laughably funny to watch if you've seen any of the other films done by the same people. In any case this is absolutely on my to watch list because I know even though it will probably suck in the whole story/plot part I won't care because I'll be to busy laughing my ass off at the absurdity to the whole damn thing. Oh and from the commercial it looks like there will be some cute gothloli ladies in it as well. That's never a bad thing well until the gore makeup and blood gets involved. Here's the commercial.

Gunslinger Girls Il Teatrino

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Yet again I've just concluded another older series that I stopped watching for one reason or another. Gunslinger Girl - Il Teatrino has been off the air for several seasons but I only finished watching the last four episodes this last week. I think the main reason for me taking such a long time to finish it was that it just wasn't as good as the first season and there was just so much better stuff on at the same time that I just happened to drop it but while I was going though my hard drive and saw that it was still just sitting there so decided to finish it off.

If you're not familiar with the Gunslinger Girls universe a quick overview is that an secret military/police organization that looks to be based in Italy takes dying young girls and turns them into cyborg like killing machines. Each girl is trained to specialize with a singular weapon system and is teamed with an older gentleman handler to take out terrorist and criminals. Pretty straightforward lolikiller show. The first season was awesome the second one not so much.

I'm going to be honest though I can't remember a good deal about the second season which is a bad thing because it means I didn't think much about it and I can't think of anything that makes it stand out as a good series like I can with the first season. Even the last four episodes that I just recently watched weren't all that great even though it was pretty action packed which is probably it's only saving grace really.

I guess the good thing is that it was licensed by FUNimation and should be released sometime this year and hopefully with the OAVs from the Japanese DVDs so that I can check those out since no body's bothered to sub those last two episodes and it seemed like they were fun vacation type episodes and more like the first series with more action less chit chat and lovey dovey stuff and with just generic bad guys.

So I'd say if you liked the first season RENT the second season to see if you like it and decide for yourself. If you haven't seen the first season though you can pretty much just go ahead and skip this one though. That's just an honest opinion. I tried to find a commercial for it on YouTube but could only find the opening so enjoy it.

June 6, 2009 Autocross Event

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Another weekend autocross event is in the bag videos are uploaded and pictures are posted. This time out the Autocross action was once again held out at the Idaho Center during the Big Boy Toy Expo and was a two day event instead the usual single day event. Thanks to a FUBARed SDHC card I only attended the Saturday event.

Since this was a larger event that was going on during the BBT Expo the autocross event was held in the larger lot and the Saturday course was set up to be a fast high horsepower course due to the rain that was expected during the day. The morning was wet and soggy but the sun eventually came out and dried up the course and burnt my dumbass pretty good. Whoohoo first sunburn of 2009 and I made it all the way to June... OK back to the autocross.

Another difference in this event than the regular events is that they tried to make it more like a prosolo event where everyone in the same group runs with each other for their complete 5 runs at one time so there is little down time between runs and makes things I thought go faster and smoother. It was definitely easier to film it that way than usual. Well it was easier to film but that doesn't mean I did a better job of filming since I decided to find a high spot and film off course only to find out that I would have to do some elevation changes so some of the videos are a bit more herky jerky than I'd like and to me they look a bit more amateurish than usual. I still had fun and even though I had worked the night before I ended up staying there the entire day which probably wasn't a good idea since I was dead the rest of the night and dead the next day as well. But that wasn't the worst part of Sunday.

The worst part about Sunday was when I found out that my 8gig SDHC card decided to shit the bed and toss I/O device errors at me while I was trying to transfer the files from the card to the hdd so that I could go back on Sunday and film some more. It took a lot of work to get all 175 vids off the card and then the rest of Sunday looking for ways to fix the stupid card only to find out there just wasn't anything that I could do to fix it. So it pretty much killed any reason or want to go out on Sunday. Instead I tried fixing the card and working on the pictures until I passed out for a good part of the afternoon.

Lucky for me it's some time before the next autocross event so I have some time before I need to pick up another card. It's also pretty good because we really need to just work on movie at the moment. Of course I have plenty of pictures although a lot less than the last couple of events and you can find them here in this flickr set. I also managed to film some 175 videos and they can be found here on YouTube. Another event and I'll have more than 600 videos. Here is an example and first time outing for the Subaru ForesterSTi.

Weekly Review

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Burn baby burn! And that's exactly what I did this week. Got a bit of a sun burn on my arms and face and neck while I was out at this weeks autocross but more on the autocross tomorrow when I write my full report on it. So yeah I'm whining like a little baby about my burnt skin any time I rub up against something so it's really not helping while I cleanup the house and pack my belongings for the big move at the end of the month.

Been applying for more jobs this last week and while I did get an interview with WDSGlobal after reading a couple rant postings about the place on IMS I decided maybe I should wait and see if I get any other leads before going there since it doesn't look like that great of a place to work after all.

Other than that the week was the usual work, sleep and repeat routine although I've been having issues with my computer that seems to be related to lose cables on the hard drive that keeps the drive from booting up so now the computer is sitting on its side torn apart at the moment. I would really like to get an air compressor to blow out all the damn dust that I found in the computer.

A couple little side notes I saw the little black kitty walking though our front yard with a huge squirrel in it's mouth just happily dragging it along to our backyard where I presume it had some nice noms. It's going to be fun when I get back into the backyard to clean it up before we move who knows how many lil squirrel bodies I'll find back there. The second note is that this was a wacky weather week where it liked to storm just about every day of the week followed by a large hail storm on Saturday night. Kept things nice and unseasonably cool and wet and made the morning part of the autocross rather interesting even though I didn't get a lot of the spins since I was photographing the cars at that time and not filming. Like I said more on that tomorrow though.

At the end of the week the voting for the Moko Top Girl will be over and oddly enough after I posted the last post about voting for Momo she jumped from 7th to 2nd during the week. Holy cow I wish it was because of me but I know that it was more than likely not. Who cares so long as you all keep voting and let the best (MOMO!) girl win. But since I post enough Moko girls you get another Race Queen for today's picture. Sadly still no Gals Paradise Race Queen books for this season.

Kannagi DVD Special

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Watched the 14th episode of Kannagi yesterday and as it's a DVD special thing it didn't follow the same story line of the series and was a stand alone episode. Not even sure where it would fit into the series anyways.

This episode is pretty funny, has a lot of inside jokes tossed in with a bit more fanservice than any other episode of Kannagi (the girls are all in their swimsuits after their regular clothes get drenched in a downpour) and gives a nice little simple story of friendship and fun as they go about after school making an amateur film from all the ideas that they came up with.

The film part gets cut short due to some nasty weather that tosses the kids indoors at the school where they continue to have fun while hanging out with each other. Jin gets the brunt of the three way love triangle of the girls of course. Even that is cut short when the President of the art club worried about the film budget sends Mr. Otaku out in the storm to return a late DVD.

A troop of the kids leave the safety of the school to return the DVD only to be separated by events until it's only Jin and Nagi returning the DVD and finding out they owe some 200+ yen for the late DVD, sadly neither one has any money.

By far this definitely seemed like a much better episode than any other episode of the series that I can remember so you should really check it out if you liked the original series. I still like the President of the art club the most and her Otakuness shined though in this episode. Keeping with posting a video with the post of late I thought I'd include the very amusing opening to Kannagi for your enjoyment. You can find the actual subbed episode on YouTube but I didn't tell you that now did I.

Moko Top Girl Voting 2 end soon

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That's right the voting for the Moko Top girl will end in 10 days and if you haven't been voting for your favorite Moko hottie than what the hell is wrong with you.

One of the odd things that I noticed about the Moko Top Girl is that they say there are 165 of the lovely ladies but when you get to the end of the girls there are only 156 of them. Did some drop out or is someone just a bit dyslexic. I just thought that was a bit funny.

What I don't find funny at all is that my favorite gal has dropped again from number 6 to 7 even though for while she was even in 5th. Come on folks vote for my gal Momo you can see why you should vote for her by checking out all her photosets @ or even better you can find her on these two pages as well. She has her own page called Miss Desk and you can see a lot of high quality images on the photographer's site at Ealevision but if you like something with a bit more movement how about this YouTube video that I've already posted before but come on who doesn't like this video.

May 31, Autocross at the Idaho Center

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Another weekend and another autocross event. With another event scheduled for next weekend as well it's a busy time for autocross events. This weekend we were out at my favorite location the Idaho Center out in Nampa, ID. I like this location better because I can film off course without a spotter and still be close to the action without feeling like I'm way off like I would be at the Expo Center if I wanted to film off course.

The weather while warm wasn't nearly as HOT as it was last time and with the overcast skies it kept the sun at bay most of the day but the weather held out and we didn't get rained on at all which made the entire day pretty nice. The wind picked up later in the day though.

While the weather was nice and there was a large turn out of 75 cars I made a stupid mistake the night before and while I topped off one battery for the video camera I completely forgot about the second battery until I plugged into the camera at the start of the second round of runs and noticed that it was entirely drained.

Ended up packing up my stuff in the middle of the day and since I had bummed a ride with my roommate I was stuck there so enjoyed the second round of runs on the side and just watched for a change. Its actually surprising that there is a difference in watching the autocross runs than when I'm filming them. Like the fact that I didn't know that the silver Dodge Neon had an alien head on the center of his roof until I was just watching his runs instead of filming them.

In any case even though I only had the one battery I still managed to get 83 videos (the course was short and tight and the last new video is on page five) and 101 images from the first run session. Not bad for a days work. Next weekends races look like they will be interesting and fast since they are trying something different which is nice change but means I'll more than likely be out there TWO days instead of just the one. I'm going to be beat but I'm sure it'll all be fun. Heard something about strippers too but that might be just a rumor.

There was a surprise addition to the event in that two cars from Utah had come up to particpate here in the open class and they gave our open class guys a run for their money. Although they really should have done something about their kids that they let run around unsupervised the entire day. Here's one of the runs of the White Subaru Impreza WRX STi.

Hand Maid Mai

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An extra bonus post for the day since I sorta skipped a day. Plus this one is going to be rather small since there isn't all that much to it.

I've heard about Hand Maid Mai on 4chan and other places and when I saw that the first OAV was posted I decided to check it out to see what the hype was about. Apparently though it's more about the series and not the OAV series which even though it's noted as a three episode OAV series only ONE episode has ever been released.

The OAV is about a film maker/editor (who's working in the porno business) who gets duped into giving up his life's work of filming his childhood Friend Mai so that her production firm can use those tapes to make her debut movie without the film maker's permission. Our intrepid filmmaker/editor wonders home drunk and discovers that he's signed for a shipment of robotic maids who all look like different age versions of his friend Mai. They are all dressed in cute little maid outfits and are there to help him make his own version of the movie using the maids... And that's were it ends. It's an OK series and I'd like to finish it and supposedly someone has the rights to the other two episodes and promise to release them but that was some time ago and nothing new has come out yet so I'm not holding my breath. Since it's an older series the fanservice is light at times even though it's coming off as a heavy fanservice series.

I did crack up about the firewire cable coming out of the older maid's naughty place and when he pulled on the cable she would make sex noises and her excuse was that she was programed that way. There are some good laughs but nothing really happens since it's the first episode. Maybe I'll have to track down the original series and see how that is too. It was hard finding any good quality large images for this series though which I found rather odd considering the fanbase that I thought was there.

Weekly Review

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Just a wee bit late on the whole weekly review this time around. Sunday was Autocross day and Monday well I was busy uploading pictures from the autocross before heading to bed before work.

Anyways, last week was another meh week but it was the end of May and in a bit of a surprise a bit rainy and Stormy which will carry though for the rest of the week. Thankfully though even though the clouds were teasing us it stayed nice and dry for the Autocross.

Started packing up some things and tossing out old magazines. Good bye Maxim, FHM, Stuff and Eurotuner you'll be never missed since I haven't looked at you for years. Seriously I have to have some where in the neighborhood of almost 8 years worth of magazines here that I need to go through and either toss out keep or sell. I'm thinking of selling most if not all of the Anime magazines and keeping my collection of Guns and Weapons, EVO as well as GT Porsche and Excellence. I love my Porsche Magazines and I'll never get rid of them. The rest not so much.

Hey at least I'm not apologizing for not watching the last round of the Super GT though as I did watch it (as you well should know from reading my report on it...RIGHT!) at work this last week. But you still get a lovely group of Race Queens for your weekly review image. Hopefully June will be a fun month, Later.


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