Eden of the East

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First of the Spring season animes to be finished is a short (11 episodes) series called Eden of the East or Higashi no Eden. Even though it was short there was a lot going on and made for one of the more interesting and must watch series of the season.

The back plot of the series is a "game" orchestrated by an unknown person only known as Mr. Outside. He selected 11 Japanese citizens referred to Selecao to be given a cell phone with 10 billion Yen registered to it. The game is simple each Selecao is to use their 10 billion to "save" all of Japan if they don't use the money to that end, run out of money or in some way break any other rules (like trying to take another Selecao's money) the 12th Selecao known as the Supporter will kill them. The first Selecao to save all of Japan wins the game and the rest regardless of their phone's balance will be eliminated as well. Sounds fun doesn't it.

The main plot however focuses on Selecao #9 and a young woman named Saki whom he meets in Washington DC after Saki gets into a bit of trouble and #9 who's name is Akira saves her by showing up naked with only a cell phone and a gun in his hands. The cops run after him but lose him and Akira finds Saki who gives him her coat. From there a rather odd friendship forms. After a bit more shenanigans in DC they both arrive back to Japan where their friendship grows as Akira tries to get back his memories. Soon Akira remembers more and more about what has happened with regards to the phone, money and the game. Because of this we find out that Akira is responsable for saving several thousand lives from a previous Selecao's actions which resulted in a launch of several missiles that hit Japan. Akira decides that he wants to find Mr. Outside and crush the game and bring it to an end and uses Saki and her computer friends to help him to that end. The friends are all part of a computer club and they developed a unique computer program called Eden that from what I can tell allows people to tag images with information.

A couple of the Selecao started grouping together to find and out Mr. Outside and bring an end to the game as well but in a much more destructive way by trying to take control of Juiz the female voice that acts as a go between for the Selecao and their wishes. She turns out to be a very sophisticated computer system developed by Mr. Outside. Akira and his new friends find out about a new missile attack that is scheduled and are able to destroy the missiles and save Japan. Akira decides to become the King of Japan and whip his memory again after all the missiles are destroyed. Which ends the series sorta.

Thankfully we're in luck because there are two motion picture movies in the works and hopefully those will give us an ending that gives us the rest of the back plot and we get to see Akira slug Mr. Outside like he wants to. Of course since they are motion picture movies it'll be some time before we will get to see them (May of next year perhaps) so that is going to suck.

One of the more interesting side stories that we get in the series is that of the 11th Selecao an owner of a modeling agency and the notorious Johnie killer/snipper. She uses her money to cover up her serial killer antics as she uses a cigar cutter to snip off the "Johnies" from men who are abusive to women.

I definitely enjoyed this series and would like to see this licensed here in the states. It would probably depend on the movies though. One of the good things it has going for it is that it's a Production I.G. series which stands a good chance of being picked up, maybe even getting picked up by [adult swim]. If you haven't had the chance to see it and don't want to wait for someone to license it than I'd definitely recommend finding it and watching it I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you don't believe me here is the English subbed promo for it.

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