Weekly Review

posted by sooyup on , ,

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What a crappy week. I did my good deed for the week by hanging up my grandma's Christmas lights for her on Monday only to wake up with a horrid dry hacking cough. I should have remembered that last year when I took down the lights I ended up doing the same exact thing. So no donating plasma for the week and I got to deal with a crappy cough which turned into running nose and stuffed up sinuses and the whole ball of wax. To bad I didn't have a pair of lovely Nurses like these two from Linebarrel to nurse me back to health but that's life right. By the end of the week the only thing I wanted to do was sleep which I did for both Friday and Saturday with a massive sinus headache like nothing else, I'd move my head and it would just hurt.

By Sunday afternoon I was feeling good enough to adventure out to the company Christmas Party which was held in Nampa and an extra 20 miles from work and it had been snowing for most of Sunday making the drive rather interesting and slow. And while on the the way there I ran out of windshield wiper fluid and a rather bothersome ingrown eyelash (or something to that effect) started irritating my right eye to the point that it's just about as red as you can get.

The Christmas party was OK nothing to spectacular or interesting but one can never pass up free food really and I was going to have to drive in the nasty weather anyways so I made the best of it and ended up with $20 GC to TGIFs and a lovely infected eye. Yeah this was a great week let me tell ya. I just want to go back home and go back to sleep for another week until I'm over the nagging cough and the stupid eyelash thing goes away. Speaking of next week it's Christmas week and I'll be featuring some nice Santa's helpers for the week. And a special Christmas bonus as well. You can look forward to that I guess, oh and it will be back to the best and worst of 2008 as well. Anyways I'm going to go try and hack up a lung and scratch an eyeball out until then.

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