Sleeping wih Hinako

posted by sooyup on , ,

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So did you get a good night sleep last night? No? Maybe you should try getting into bed with the very cute Hinako who is back with another DVD titled Sleeping with Hinako. She's back in another DVD to help fellow Otaku get a better night sleep. Hinako is once again breaking down that fourth wall and inviting you the viewer to sleep with her.

The Sleeping with Hinako DVD is setup a bit differently than a regular episode and if you watch the 46 minute subbed version you'll get a rather different experience than if you have the DVD. While the subbed episode gives you those 46 minutes of Hinako fanservice. The looping of her sleeping can get a bit boring and I found myself fast forwarding though about half of it. The good thing is that it's not just her tossing and turning in that cute little baby doll outfit. We get a glimpse of her dreams which no surprise revolve around her weight. She also does a bit of late night snacking. She even falls out of bed wakes up and decides it's a good time to confess that she likes you and gives you a little kiss all before heading back to bed. Heck she'll even sign you a little lullaby before she her self drifts off to sleep.

Eventually morning arrives and the alarm goes off waking her up. There are a few different scenes of her waking up. All in all for a single episode it really doesn't work out all that well. Sure it's a lot of fanservice and a pretty voyeuristic look at a girl sleeping but since I don't have the DVD to really evaluate it's overall use. I'm sure it will sell like crazy just like the first one which of course means that there will likely be more so the question is which one will be next. Cooking with Hinako? Bathing with Hinako perhaps? There is probably a lot of ideas out there.

I haven't been able to find a trailer or preview on YouTube for the new one so you'll just have to settle for this older version until I can find a video for the new one.

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