Shooter Saturday -- Pimp My Gun

posted by sooyup on , ,

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So today's Shooter Saturday feature isn't about a gun but don't worry it's about something that is still pretty damn cool and very gun related so I don't think you'll mind so much. I'm talking about a small (well not so small any more) flash program called Pimp My Gun. What makes Pimp My Gun so cool is that it allows you to be a virtual gunsmith and create your own weapon systems based on several weapon platforms like the M4, Ak47 and many many others.

It's a fun way to kill some time either tacticooling out your standard issue M4 or going crazy and making your own out there fantasy gun. In either case there is no limit to what you can do with the application. There are two of them actually the older one has pre-made guns which you can add to and delete from to get a good idea of what it's supposed to look like. It's a great place to start. The second app is more hardcore and pretty much gives you the entire gun to play with as you will from inside and out from scratch. This one is more hands on and a little bit harder to make real guns easily. If you're looking to make a one of a kind creation though this is the place to go.

It's still not complete and they are adding new guns and gear all the time so it's always good to go back and take a look to see if they've added anything you think they forgot. If they have you can always e-mail them and ask for it. I found this on /k/ (the weapon board on 4chan) where there is usually one or more threads on what guns people have designed lately and can be pretty amusing to look through. However, I thought I'd share it with a larger audience and give my props to the guys for creating such a damn cool gun app. Check it out, have fun and go create something awesome.

And just because I like them and want to entertain you guys how about an interesting video from the Magpul Dynamic people who always have cool videos.

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