Happy New Year!

posted by sooyup on , ,

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Welcome to the first post of the year and hopefully one of 260 posts of the year. That's right being as how it is the first of the year it's time to make some resolutions for the new year. Well actually I'm more of a goal setter than a resolution setter and one of the first goals that I'm setting is to post 260...er 259 times or more during the coming year. Why 260 times? Well that means that I'll have to post 5 times a week (once per work day) at least. I figure that's a good goal to set for the blog. That also means 260 lovely ladies to keep you happy during the year as well.

Right now that's the only goal that I have set in stone at the moment because I haven't given much thought yet to what I want to accomplish in the new year. Probably one of them should be to not be as lazy and get more things done than I did last year.

However that doesn't mean we can't look forward to what 2009 might have in store for us. The roommate is looking at buying a house which means a move to a new place which might help the both of us out. I'll be able to get my stuff out of storage (yeah more toys and books) and save a little bit of money hopefully. We'll all get a new President and political douchebagger, honestly that's exactly what's going to happen and not all of it's going to be the Presidents fault either I see congress making a mess of things. A new season of autocross and car shows which means more opportunities for pictures and videos. There is also Battlestar Galactica ending this year. And hopefully a lot of good changes all around to help better man kind blah blah blah all that good junk will happen as well. Tomorrow I'm going to review the last year and write up the year end review and get on the ball about making some short term and long term goals for the coming year.

Also before I forget you see those lovely ladies of Gurren Lagann up there cosplaying as cows? Well that's to celebrate 2009 the year of the OX and here is what the Chinese zodiac says about the year of the OX. Rather interesting read really but then I'm a fire snake myself so we'll just see how this year works out.

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