Afro Samurai: Resurrection

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Thank you Spike channel for giving us a very bloody Sunday with the airing of Afro Samurai: Resurrection. Bloody it definitely was, the opening sequence on the bridge had to be the bloodiest scene ever aired on Spike channel and from there we are reunited with the teddy bear Ninja and someone new someone hot and someone who will die a really lame death at the end. Yes I know I really don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it but to me that part was just lame and I have to rant about it. So major spoilers ahead be warned now.

So if you don't know what Afro Samurai is about at this point lets run it down real fast. Two head bands for number one and number two Afro's dad had N1 and was killed by N2 Justice the first show was about Afro's journey to get the N1 head band from Justice in the mean time everyone one else wants N2 so that they can go up against N1 for god knows what reason.

Resurrection has Afro with the N1 head band but it's stolen by the very not dead Teddy Ninja known as Kuma who was once Afro's best Friend along with Kuma is his sister Sio who wants revenge for Afro killing all that she loved. Sio steals the N1 head band and the remains of Afro's father in order for her to create a clone of Afro's father. Afro must reclaim the N2 headband to fight Sio and he does of course. All in the middle are more fights and blood letting which brings Afro back to the old city that he was from so that he can challenge Sio for the head band before he can do that he has to fight his resurrected father. Afro dies yes that's right he dies by being strangled of all things because he doesn't want to fight his father. Then Kuma gets all sentimental and wants to protect Afro and attacks the clone father and is severly damaged in the fight. Sio seeing her brother hurt attacks the clone father as well and here comes the lamest death of all. The clone father, in the middle of an attack by Sio, grabs the remains of Kuma shoves them in front of Sio stopping her from attacking. He is then able to stab Sio thru Kuma killing both of them leaving them to comfort each other in their last little moments. Seriously WTF just happened everyone's dead but wait during all this chit chat between the siblings the sparks from Kuma revive Afro and he is able to kill his clone father. Snatch that's it.

I was really looking forward to a great fight between Afro and Sio or at least another one between Afro and Kuma but Sio's death was really lame. All that lead up in the beginning to be simply stabbed in the chest so freaking easily. What a waste of a hot animated body I tell ya. I know it was more important to the over all story for him to have killed his father in the end but I just felt let down by Sio's death, but thankfully that's the only thing I didn't like about the show everything else was pretty much epic awesomeness like the first season.

And like the last season you'll definitely have to either rent or buy the DVD to get some added scenes and stuff after all they have no problems showing Afro taking a guy's face off but the sexy stuff has to go on the DVD along with even more gory content. Thankfully there wont be an ass long wait to see it on DVD as it will be out on the 3rd of February. I'll probably be picking it up along with the first season.

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