Gunbuster 2

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Diebuster, Gunbuster 2 or Aim for the Top 2 whatever you want to call it I recently finished the series thanks to Netflix and I have to say it was better than I thought it would be. To be honest prior to Gurren Lagann I wasn't much into large Mecha shows like Gunbuster but after Gurren Lagann and a bunch of recommendations and finding out that it was done by some of the same folks who did FLCL I decided to add Gunbuster 2 to my netflix queue and it took a while for it to reach the number one spot. For those who hate dubbs don't worry this release is only available in subtitles which means I had to pay attention to the show while watching it at home.

Gunbuster 2 is one of those massively huge space battle animes with massively huge mechas with an even larger out of this world enemy. Gunbuster 2 also had on it's side a pretty well done plot. It would be just better to read the wiki article to completely understand the plot but the gist of it is that a wayward young lady Nono (who is actually an android) wants to be a space pilot. She ends up hooking up with the super special teenager space pilots after a chance encounter and ends up fighting a lot of space monsters and in the process of all that ends up learning about her true identity and surprisingly in the thick of things seems to turn and run away leaving the other space pilots to fend for all of humanity (with the Earth as a weapon I kid you not). However, right before the end all end all battle Nono returns as a freaking HUGE Nono and finishes the end battle herself ending up sacrificing herself to protect everyone else.

Gunbuster 2 is definitely a recommendable series to watch even if you're like me and don't really care all that much for the giant robot shows but this had a good bit of massive overkill action and a good deal of comedy and just a touch of fanservice, Nono takes the whole Topless pilot thing just a bit too seriously, tossed in for good measure. You can even see the FLCL influence here and there as well. Also it's short and sweet and to the point with no time wasted on retardedly stupid and boring things. There is a lot of good stuff and if you haven't seen it you really should.

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