Weekly Review

posted by sooyup on , ,

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What a week. A rather historic week with the election of our first black president. I'm glad that I could take part in the events even though I voted for the other guy. The rest of the week was pretty easy going. I couldn't donate plasma on Thursday because my pulse wouldn't go below 110 (holly fuck!) for a solid hour. stupid Chocolate Chip cookies and Dr. Pepper. So I really need to take it easy next time I go in there. I was thinking of going in Friday but that would mess up my schedule and I wanted to go shooting.

Ending up not shooting on Friday instead did that on Saturday. Before we went I got to watch a few of the Formula Drift events on ESPN and my roommate and I are wondering what a chipping Point is. We saw the sign on one of the tracks but didn't know what it meant. After that we headed out and grabbed a bite to eat and went out shooting. I wanted to go one more time before the weather got really nasty. Did a lil' offroading in the roommate's Subaru Outback since it's been raining off and on during the weekend which was fun even though the mudflaps did their job and kept most of the mud off the car. But more on the shooting later.

After that I went to another anime group meeting and because I didn't take a nap I started to fall asleep so left early. Leaving me with Sunday.

Sunday was going good until I got to work to find out some retarded fuck of a co-worker screwed up one of the computers by downloading scam anti-virus programs and other shit crap so spent the first three hours of work fixing the problem. How damn hard is it to know not to fucking download shit that you don't know what it is especially when it's not YOUR computer to be messing with in the first place. End rant.

Oh and don't forget there is still time to vote for what you want me to add to this web page.

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