DVD extra episodes and other interesting things...

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One of the interesting things about anime DVDs sometimes are the little extras that you can get with the limited releases and just with the regular releases as well. The first Limited edition DVD of Koihime Musou came with a Oppai Mouse pad of Aisha which looks well rather nice but actually one of the better things that come with some DVDs are the extra episodes. Not only do we get a good uncensoring occasionally but we some times get extra episodes as well. In this case it was a DVD extra episode of Shigofumi and while it was just another run of the mill morality tale, I thought it was a great addition to the show and came close to making up for the lame ending that we got in the first place. Of course there are more interesting and way more ecchi additions to other DVD's not only do some do away with the stupid magical mist/steam that is used to cover the naughty bits but some DVDs have entire ecchi extra mini episodes. One example of that are the DVD extras from Kanokon...OMG ecchi madness with those DVD extra episodes. It's a good reason to pick up the DVDs for sure but I was wondering do they see their way to the American release DVDs as well? All I've ever seen are the same five trailers and creditless openings and endings. Another great ecchi filled DVD extra to look for are ones that you get with Ikki Tousen. Also watched the first Great Gaurdian ova and wow it has oppai greatness as well.

In other anime news I've found out that Baccano has been licensed by Funimation and will be released soon so will definitely have to check that out again from Netflix when it's available. I'm also still boycotting [Adult Swim] because of their trashing anime and to be honest I don't miss it at all. I'll be finishing up another couple anime shows from Spring/Summer this week so will be blogging more about them as well.

As for the rest of the news I've been spending my hard earned photography job money like there's no tomorrow. I'm currently bidding on a new video camera for autocross and I've finally ended the great umbrella search of 08 and purchased a Tein Parasol (and shirt) so I'll be able to keep in the shade while filming even better videos for friends. I've also had a few impulse purchases as well including two new diecasts cars, the Oct (Yoko) issue of Megami Magazine and the first Vol of Apple (like Robot but from Korea) so I'll be looking forward to a ton of stuff showing up in the mail. I've also purchased all the reloading items that I need to start reloading rounds.

Last but not least I have some more ideas on things to add to my lil' blog like adding a weekly animation for fun and profit. I'm not to sure about this idea really but hey I'll try it out anyways. I want to add some more color to the blog but it looks like it'll also add more space to the page as well. So I might get rid of some things as well. Since my mother passed away I'll probably get rid of the donation button (after all no one donated anything anyways so it's just a waste of space really) so I don't need it anymore.

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