Dead Space: Downfall

posted by sooyup on , , ,

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Holly Bloody Hell! Dead Space is a recently released space horror game and in conjunction with the release of the game a direct to DVD animated film and comic book were also released. I was interested in checking out the game and thought that it might be good to see the back story of the game and added Dead Space: Downfall to my rental queue on Netflix. I was really surprised though when the disk showed up on the day of release. That hasn't happened for ages.

So now that I have it and watched it this morning there is one thing I can absolutely assure you as the truth. This is the BLOODIEST gore fest movie I've ever seen. Really I can't think of anything that even comes close to as much blood spilled during an hour plus of movie time. Of course this is also one of the worst animated films I've ever seen too. It's not entirely bad but the animation really looks about 10 years old. It started out pretty good with some decent horror segments but then just degraded into a zombie chaser slash and hack segment that lasted entirely to long. They could have done so much better with a lot less blood more hide and seek horror and just maybe a bit more intelligence and thought. What sucks is they cut out a boss monster moment which would have been so much better than what they replaced it with. They had some good potential and they failed because they went for the lowest common denominator the massive blood letting.

I gave this a two star rating on Netflix and honestly if your not interested in the game this is a huge skip. If you're interested in the game and want to check out the easter eggs for the games and want to know the entire back story and don't want to read the comic book yeah rent the video. I didn't even bother looking for the easter eggs my self I just watched the video watched the one deleted scene wondered why the hell I rented this and promptly returned it the same day to Netflix in hopes of getting something more enjoyable to scrub out the mess that was left over from Dead Space: Downfall.

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