Straight Jacket

posted by sooyup on

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This three episode OAV took forever to finish but now that it's done I can tell you that it's a colossal waste of time. Really, I expected great things with the first episode and by the last episode I was like, "I wasted time on this"

Brief Review: So you have the storey of a special police force that uses magic to power man sized power suits and to fire weapons. But using this magic can have adverse effects namely turning the suit wearers into huge monster like beings who crave human flesh and what not. It's not just the police officers who are at risk either other professions also use this magic and suffer the same problems. There are terrorists who like to go around causing problems and well the plot pretty much ends there really. The main character has issues and a history, the police chief of the special unit is working with the terrorist for the whole "if they weren't here we would be out of job and we can control the outcome knowing when things are going to happen" excuse.

The first episode starts out OK doing the whole character building and what not and makes it look like it might just be pretty good. Then the second episode and it's the same thing more character building and what not. Hmmm OK the third and last episode must be epic than. Facepalm. Nope the third and last episode is a lets conveniently tie up the lose ends that we started to sow in the previous episodes and in stead of giving us closure as to the main character's history and back story we'll just have him ride off into the sunset onto another adventure.

My Opinion: Total Freaking Let down, seriously I watched the last episode and just felt like the producers rushed to get it down and out the door that I just felt like I wasted my time on the whole series. I won't be looking for this and hope it doesn't get picked up in the hopes that something cooler gets licensed, oh like say Mnemosyne.

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