LATE -- Weekly Review

posted by sooyup on ,

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Holly hanna that's what happens when your Internet goes down. Actually it just went down at work and I've been extremely busy at home this last week that I didn't get a chance at all to blog until today. So yes my weekly review is rather late this week.

So what did happen last week....ummm. I guess it was Fairly boring after all as I don't recall much of it. The only thing that I did do was work on the header image (isn't it fantastic!) and go see the new Star Wars CGI movie The Clone Wars.

So how was The Clone Wars? OK so to start off the crawler yeah it was gone instead we got a crappy narrator synopsis instead. Major major bad idea in my opinion. The crawler is a staple of the Star Wars franchise and to leave it out on a movie. Also bad is that instead of Jarjar for comedy relief we get stupid battledriods with personalities. Yes battledroids with personalities what more could you ask for right. Anyways those where the major problems that I had with this movie yeah the plot and writing are not the best to say the least but this is the start to the cartoon series slated for later this year on Cartoon Network so I'm hoping that it'll get better with time.

Now what did I like about the movie? The battles and there were plenty of them. Oh and the lightsaber duels oh yeah the lightsaber duels. If they just made a show(episode even) with just lightsaber duels that would be just fine by me. Also the detail of the CGI is just freaking amazing. You could see the paint brush texture on the IG-88 droid when it was zoomed in on it's head I thought that was pretty cool.

So my final thoughts are that as a Star Wars geek I liked it well enough to not regret spending my(Jay's) money on the movie. I'm looking forward to the follow up series on Cartoon Network and hope they fix some of the problems in the meantime. If you're a Star Wars fan then yeah you'll enjoy it and if you have kids they'll enjoy it because I'm pretty sure this one was aimed squarely at them and not at the more adult audience. So I say it's definitely worth at least a matinee viewing of it or waiting for it on Cartoon Network as I'm sure the movie will be aired before hand or at least a speedy trip to DVD land for the movie.

My weekly review kind of turned into a The Clone Wars review but hey that's how it goes sometimes. I will tell you that this week I tried to donate plasma on Monday only to find out that I didn't have all the proper paper work and went home and tore my bedroom apart looking for my Social Security Card only to find it in the most obvious of places. So I went back this morning with all the paper work and donated plasma. It's interesting because it really does take 5 freaking long hours to donate plasma on the first time. The rest of the time is like maybe an hour and half long. And hey for an extra $30 in the pocket it's not to bad. I picked up Yen Plus magazine finally with the money but have only read a little bit of it. So yeah with that I'll bring this very late weekly review to an end. Until next week.

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