Shakotan Matsuri 08

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This last Saturday was the first ever Shakotan Matsuri held downtown Boise ID. The Shakotan Matsuri (Japanese Lowered Car Festival) is the first car show held here that is only for Japanese manufactured cars. For a first time event there was a large and very nice turn out of cars. There wasn't much there that I didn't like. I for one was happy to see a large and professionally done car show here that wasn't about muscle cars and old school roadsters for a change and I'm definitely looking forward to next years event. As with all things everyone has their own opinion of how things went and since I'm not a paid journalist (I'll gladly accept bribes though) you get my opinion instead of some white washed op-ed piece. So of course I'll bash some things and praise others. So let the bashing and praising begin.

There is actually very little that I didn't like about the show but I do have some creative criticism of how some things went down. First of all the music was a bit to loud I don't like having to scream at my friends in order to talk to them when they are standing three feet away from me. I also think the BBoy Battle thing went on way to long but that might have more to do with my opinion (definitely not my cup of tea) of it more than anything else. But here is something they really should have had for the battle...a freaking stage. More than three people deep and you couldn't even see what was going on. Just an idea for next time guys. Another thing that got me was the MC and his switching back and forth from the "oh this is a family event and I can't say that" to swearing like a it wasn't a family event. As this was a family friendly event even later at night he should have kept it g rated for everyone in attendance. I don't care if you swear but I'm sure the families with the kids probably did. That brings me to my last little quibble they needed more people judging or needed to start judging earlier and maybe a few more categories and awards. I would have liked to see an award based on participant votes.

With all my bashing out of the way all I have left is praise and I have a lot to hand out. I have to say for a first time event this was pretty well sorted out. From what I could see there were only minor hiccups so you have to give the organizers a big pat on the back for putting on a good show. The audience in attendance was all well behaved and for such a diverse group of people that really does deserve some praise even if we all take it for granted here I've heard some horror stories at other shows like this. Of course I need to show some major praise to all the folks who brought out their cars for people to look over and discuss. Without you there just wouldn't be a show.

And about those cars. This is what you really came to read anyways right. There was a large turn out of interesting cars. There was a good number of right hand drive cars including two Skylines (both for sale by the way, actually there were a lot of cars there for sale) a couple different Hondas and a Toyota Supra (who's owner probably watched The Fast and Furious a few to many times in my own opinion) this was a nice change of pace for me as I've only seen one RHD car that wasn't a mail carrier car before. There were two VIP style cars (both Lexus) but odd to me anyways neither of them entered the VIP class. Of course there were gobs of Hondas an assortment of Nissans, Mazdas and Toyotas with a small smattering of Subarus and Mistsubishi cars. All of which were looking nice, there wasn't much in the way of RICER Boy stuff and you could tell that people put in a lot of effort to show off their cars and were having a good time hanging out with fellow car crazy people. That's it for me but you can see all my pictures on Flickr and make you own judgement. Here's to next year being bigger and better.

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