Spice and Wolf

posted by sooyup on , ,

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The winter anime season is coming to a close for many shows first among them was Spice and Wolf. Spice and Wolf was a short series with only 13 episodes. Spice and Wolf is definitely a differrent kind of anime, sure it has the wolf deity and all that jazz but wow I was not expecting an anime about economics. No really it's mostly about economics in medievil times. the drama is caused by the influence of the church upon the peasents who before the church believed in the nature gods and the such. That's where Horo the wise pops up. She is a wolf deity and is responsible for providing the people with crops of wheat. She hooks up with poor ol Lawrence the traveling salesman and gets him to take her to the North lands and many mostly boring adventures ensue. The thing that actually makes all of this interesting and worth watching is the interaction between Horo and Lawrence and just how wise that woman really is. This would be a good series to introduce new views of anime to to show them that anime isn't just all about the mecha and boobs. So there is a little bit of nudity in it and God only knows what episode 7 will be because we have to wait for the DVDs for that one.

I give it one thumb up and honestly I'd go furry for Horo. Oh also the OST is fantastic that's another winning point of the show.

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