K-on! -- Live House

posted by sooyup on , ,

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Miss K-on! and that second season just isn't getting here fast enough for you? Don't worry there is hope and a moe moe release available to you to gush over and enjoy. A nicely done and very enjoyable stand alone episode that does a nice job of giving us all something to tide us over until the second season starts and we can all explode from the Moe Moe overload.

The OVA is titled Live House because the girls decide to attend their first non-school event. They got the invite from one of Ritsu's friends who is also attending. The girls show up at the Live House and talk with the Manager who actually heard from them from another band. The girls are all excited about the idea of playing and are in just total wonderment about the whole process and place. On the day of the event the girls arrive and meet the other bands that are playing and after a bit of socializing and chit chat the girls are able to figure out how to work with the Live House's stuff.

Of course Mugi being Mugi she brought along tea and sweets for the girls and they all share with the other bands. The girls first rehearsal is a bit disjointed and chaotic like they usually are and the other bands lend them their support and the girls are able to get it together. The live show goes on without a hitch and all their friends came to watch them along with their teacher Sawako, who was looking mighty fine for the occasion busting out her old outfits from her days as a rocker.

As it turns out the manager of the Live House and Sawako were old friends and maybe band mates? They are able to share a bit of bonding over the girls. After the show is done they all meet up and head over to Yui's house for New Years celebration and all but Mio and Ritsu fall asleep before the new year allowing the two to reminiscence about the prior year for a bit before they too zonk out. Yui wakes all the girls up so that they can go out to their special place and watch the first sun rise of the new year.

Total Moe Moe overload, however there are no new songs in this episode. So you're out of luck if you were hoping for that. In fact we don't even get a full song when the girls are playing at the Live House either . Kind of a bummer but definitely not a deal breaker. Sawako is of course up to her old shenanigans while trying to get Azusa into a tiger bikini for the new year. She does get her to wear the ears at least, which she keeps on when the girls go to see the new year's sun rise. A very fun little episode that will keep us all looking forward to the next season which can't come soon enough.

Since there isn't any trailers or previews for the new OVA how about the ever popular and fantastic Ending song. Now if they'd only make Figmas of these outfits I'd buy a Mio in a heartbeat, I don't really care so much for the school girl outfit.

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