Shikabane Hime: Kuro

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So I finished the second half of Shikabane Hime last night. That took way to long to finish really but now that I have I'm glad I was able to finally finish it and the entire season. Skikabane Hime: Kuro is more about Makina's personal battle to destroy the people that killed her and her family and turned her into a Corps in the first place. Not only that but a lot of who and what the Shikabane Hime's really are and what really happens when they kill those 108 corpses that are supposed to send them to Heaven. I didn't really see it coming but should have expected it as they do not get to go to Heaven after collecting their 108 dead again corpses. Nope something entirely different is awaiting them.

They also answer the bigger question that I had during the first season and that is just who the hell is the cat with many eyes and that actually has to do with Oori and his past which is also explained. I thought it was great that they were able to work in the answers to my questions while keeping the action going non-stop. And while the first season is more episodic monster of the week the second season is all about the battle between the Kougan and the Shichisei with Makina and Oori on the outside. One more thing that this season had that last season didn't have much of is the Fanservice. All the Shikabane Hime's were girls and most were well endowed and with the one Loli hime her priestess made up the difference heck even the evil girls were well built as well. Oddly enough though I haven't seen hardly anything in the way of

What's great about this is that FUNimation has licensed it (at least streaming so far that I know of) so it's a good bet that it will be coming to the states and I've already did my part by purchasing the Figma Makina action doll from Hobby Link Japan which should be showing up sometime next week. And if the DVD does get release here I'll maybe buy it but it'll definitely go on the Netflix queue were it will sit for while as being a VERY LONG WAIT rental because Netflix still hasn't figured out the whole lots of people want anime to watch but lets keep supplies limited so NO one gets to watch anything. If you haven't seen it yet you can check it out here on youtube and do it legally as well.

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