Minami-ke Okaeri

posted by sooyup on ,

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Is the third time the charm for the Minami sisters? I don't know the third season of Minami-ke was pretty good but I don't think it was any better than the other season or really any worse I know some people were having some issues with the animation being different for all three of the seasons but most of the time I never even paid any attention to that since I was having to good of a time laughing at the antics of the two younger sisters and their friends.

Minami-ke Okaeri is another slice of life comedy show that continues the many adventures of the three sisters and all of their friends usually it revolves around the Minami sister's home but occasionally they venture out not only to school but also the beach and the city. This season was a lot more like the first season in that it was pretty episodic and jumped around a lot through out the school year. It's kinda weird watching Christmas episodes at the end of May and yeah I know that's more my fault for taking so long to finish the series.

One of the oddest things about this season and this series is that the opening and ending sequences were not at the beginning and ending of the show. The Opening happened about 7 minutes into the episode and the ending happened about 18 minutes into the show. I thought that was a bit weird and probably the only time that I've always watched the Opening and endings of an anime show. Usually after a while I'll just skip them. Anyways it was a bit different but not exactly a bad thing since they were used to break up the scenes. Yeah there was still Mr. Muscles who is still day dreaming about the eldest sister but thankfully he was toned down a bit from earlier seasons.

All in all I did enjoy the show but it wasn't really anything to make sure to always watch the new episodes and the first season is still the best in my opinion but this season was still very much watchable and if it ever did make it to the states I would say that it's definitely worth renting to check out.

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