Kara no Kyoukai 7: Murder Speculation part 2

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Last week I finally finished the Garden of Sinners movie series that comprises 7 movies. The 7th movie is called Murder Speculation part 2 because it's the second part of the story behind Shiki and Mikiya dealing with Shiki's lost male personality and how she's dealing with the feelings of murder. During this time there is a rash of serial killings that look a lot like the murders that happened several years ago. Those murders were carried out by Shiki's male personality so Shiki is worried about who is doing the killing and Mikiya is worried that Shiki may be out killing people. Both of them are worried about the other and are heading into the underbelly of the city to find out who is doing the killing.

Mikiya finds out that one of his former schoolmates has turned to pushing drugs and when he finds the classmate's apartment Mikiya discovers in side the apartment a madman's shrine for Shiki. Meanwhile Shiki is out investigating the killings and is attacked by a blond haired boy wearing the same outfit as her. As it turns out he is Lio Shirazumi former classmate that had asked her out in high school but was rejected. He is also the person that Mikiya discovered as the drug dealer. After being rejected by Shiki he turned to a life of crime and is now trying to get Shiki to join him. She doesn't want to and the two get into a knife fight that ends when Shiki cuts off Lio's left arm at the elbow.

After escaping Lio returns to his apartment and finds Mikiya and tells him about everything. Later Shiki finds Lio's drug warehouse and confronts him but since she is unable to kill him Lio is able to overpower her and tie her up. Before he can rape her Mikiya breaks into the lower level of the warehouse unaware of the situation upstairs. Nor do Lio and Shiki know that it's Mikiya breaking in. Lio heads down to take care of matters only to find it's Mikiya and that he didn't head his warnings and tries to turn Mikiya into a monster by making him take the special drugs. Mikiya refuses and would rather die than become a monster. This enrages Lio and he slashes at Mikiya's face and leaves him for dead to go take care of business with Shiki

Shiki is unaware of what happened below or that it was Mikiya who broke in until Lio tells her. Thinking that Mikiya is dead Shiki is pissed off and she doesn't hesitate to kill Lio in their final fight cuting him up into some big chunks. However Mikiya isn't dead and is able to crawl his way to Shiki who is glad to see him. A little afterwards we see Mikiya leaving a Hospital and Shiki waiting to pick him up thus ending the movie and the series.

Minus a five minute epilogue that hasn't been released yet. Now I just have to hope that someone will have the good graces to license them for the states so that I can buy them and share how great this series of movies is. But that's life. I really enjoyed the movies and think that if you haven't checked them out for some reason you really should.

Here you can check out the trailer for the movie.

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