
posted by sooyup on , ,

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If Bond worked for his mom at a dysfunctional spy company it would be called Archer. I was a bit meh the first time I watched Frisky Dingo but unlike all the other crap on [Adult Swim] it actually grew on me and turned out to be pretty cool. That's why when I heard the guys behind Frisky Dingo were up to no good making another cartoon you better believe I was going to check it out. And it freaking rocks. Archer is my new favorite American Cartoon.

Since Archer is from those guys I can tell you that this cartoon is messed up. But in a very fun good way. Archer is about a bunch of folks who work for Isis a more or less Private Security/spy agency run by an older lady who's son Sterling Archer is the main spy guy followed with his sorta sidekick/ex Lana Kana, the killer chick. Not to bad but what really sets this off is that it also includes the staff, those little peons who do all that behind the scenes stuff and while Sterling Archer is an ultimate tool who you love to hate the staff totally makes the show. Like Frisky Dingo this show likes to poke fun at spy movies every chance it gets and that's why I like it so much.

At first FX only ordered a hand full of episodes but it did so well that FX ordered an entire 2nd season of it, that's an additional 13 episodes. Hopefully it will continue to find those funny things to trash the spy movie franchise and make it even more fun to watch. Did you know that Lana Kana is played by the black geek goddess Aisha Tyler yeah need more of Lana and FYI good luck with Rule 34 so far I haven't seen anything.

You can catch Archer on the FX network on Thursday nigths, it's also on Hulu as well. More than likely around on the net as well. I'm definitely looking forward to more episodes.


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