Weekly Review

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Good bye and so long November and a big hello to December. Not only is it the end of the week but it's also the end of another month leaving us now with only 4 weeks left of 2009. Where did the time go. But we'll have enough time to look back on the year later it's time to look back on this last week and of course to keep you company in this post I'll leave you with some lovely Race Queens as usual.

Sort of an interesting week in that I finally received my Nendoroid Shiki Ryougi and I'm happy for that because the final movie of the series (well minus the epilogue) Kara no Kyoukai will also be out next week. So I feel like I've contributed something to the cause anyways. I'll have to take some pictures of her and some other stuff that I've picked up lately. I also got the $30 check fro filling out a radio survey that I did at the beginning of the month so I have an extra $30 to just spend like an idiot. I also pre-ordered the set of Nendoroid Puchi characters from Bakemonogatari so I got my own birthday present for next year order as that's when they are supposed to be released. You can pre-order yours as well at HLJ too.

In addition to all that I found some less expensive HV 22 ammo saw that they had a new 911 GT3 at the dealership which I'll have to go check out on Monday and see if I can't get some pictures of it. I also managed to finally pay off all my old bills from the old house so that's all said and done as well. The only really crappy thing about the week is that it keeps getting colder and colder as the winter goes into full tilt COLDness for the next couple months.

Since it is winter and cold and what not it's also time to start working on some design stuff that have been on the back burner including a re-worker of the blog space which I'm sure you've noticed has taken on a different look lately. I've been trying to add a flash 3D tag cloud but so far haven't been able to get it to work so if you're reading this and might have an idea I'd really appreciate the help.

Of course that pretty much concludes this weekly review and now for something to check out on YouTube. What will it be this week. OK how about some fine game show ladies from Korea.

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