Weekly Review

posted by sooyup on , , , , ,

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First of all Happy freaking Birthday to me ya. Today is my 32 birthday (yes 32 and I still watch cartoons) and I feel every bit of that old age. The rest of the week was alright as well too the new anime season is in full press and I'm struggling to keep up with it all. I may actually have to watch some at home now all things considered. The week of course was mostly work and sleep and the afternoon meeting which was pointless and a total waste of my time and energy yet again.

The great things about the week though is that I finally got a second battery that works with my video camera and I even got a new car mount for the video camera and Scott and I took it out and tested it several times. Scott even got me a UV filter (protective) lens for the videocamera as well. The best was taking it out on the Subaru to the firing range and giving it a good knock around test. After which we shot up a couple really old fire extinguishers that were laying around the house that needed to be tossed out anyways. That was a fun little bit of Easter goodness.

The one bad thing about the second video that I wont be posting since it's just lame really is that I hadn't tightened the camera down enough so as we were driving back out the camera rotated around the axis and went from filming the front of the car to filming the back of the car. Totally wasted film really. Thank goodness it's digital. I'll post a full review of the car mount later along with a wrap up of all the new anime shows that I've started watching. There's some good and some bad and some that I haven't even watched yet. Here's the video of the trip out to the firing range and don't forget to still go vote for the Moko Top Girl at the address link about the daily hottie. Go know vote often.

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