Training with Hinako!

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What will the Japanese think of next. This time around it's an anime training DVD to get anime loving Otaku into shape. Or at least that's the idea. After reading about it here and there on and I was curious enough to download it and take a look at it. There is a 6 minute long one that is subbed and there is an even larger raw file. The reason for the two different ones is that the subbed one only has the parts that need to be subbed and the first outfit apparently the larger raw one has more outfits.

This first DVD just covers push-ups, crunches and squats all in glorious booby jiggling goodness and how she never pops out of her little tank top I don't know, anime physics I suppose. Does it do a good job of being an exercise DVD I wouldn't know I was laughing to hard to even think about that and I'm sure that most Otaku will instead just be working out an arm rather than doing the actual exercise routines.

Indeed the DVD has proven to be so popular and successful that it rocketed to the number one spot at Amazon even beating out the Gurren Lagann movie.

As a side note is this really any different than when we were growing up watching those early morning exercise programs that you could occasionally catch on TV with the very fit young usually blonde woman in spandex who we had no intention of exercising with we just watched for the same exact reason as why we are actually watching Training with Hinako, yeah I didn't think so. Well here's looking forward to more training with Hinako DVDs because we know they're coming. If you haven't check it out I'd suggest checking it out for the Lulz because if you really wanted to get in to an exercise routine I'd suggest getting a real training program DVD and consulting your Doctor before doing anything. In the mean time you can check out for Hinako ecchi goodness here.

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