Weekly review

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Yet another week has gone by, June is well on it's way to ending and I only have another week before my vacation and wedding(not my wedding) in Reno. For those readers out there who are fathers I hope you had a splendid Father's Day. I hung out with my own father for a bit on Sunday morning giving him by far one of the funniest cards that I've ever seen. Of course he got himself a great Father's day present with a newer Harley Davidson bike that had been laid over. He got it for a steal and fixed it up himself. This weekend at home was another round of fix the roommate's broken RX-8. His father and grandfather came over on Saturday along with another couch the repainted wheels and the new driver side door. But forgot the glass, oops.

A little more tinkering, wrench and redoing things at least twice on each part left the roommate with the car about 90% complete put ready for fluids. I helped a little bit here and there had some fun doing it though. Sunday rolled around and they were able to finish up the little bits here and there and we were able to finally roll it out of the garage for the first time in some 3 months. Cranked it over and it started up with a lot of white smoke and some lovely high pitched squealing noise both of which subsided after a bit. What didn't work though was the clutch. It's a bit tight apparently and when they tried to put it into gear for the first time...stall and flood. Not good, so back on the jack stands it goes for a little longer anyways. But it RAN dang it. I'm sure the roommates' emotion ran the gambit of excitement to utter disappointment with Sunday coming to a close. First thing I think it needs is a damn good detailing job as it is just completely dirty as sin. That is, when it gets rolling again. I pretty much had a boring week other than that thanks in large part to a very noisy neighbor boy who likes to play right next to my window waking me up before I get my 8 hrs of sleep. Totally ruined my Friday off as I just slept almost the entire day to catch up on what I missed earlier in week.

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