Hunting the Elusive...Umbrella

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As many of you readers might remember I like to complain about the huge lack of shade out at the autocross events and have been thinking of a way to get some shade for myself to save me from the sun and the heat. One of the few ways that I thought I could do this was to find one of those huge umbrellas that you see the ever lovely Race Queens holding up at many racing events in Asia (not so much here in America) to protect the drivers from the heat.

This has lead me on a quest to find one of those cool motorsports umbrellas for myself (I'd take the RQ too but that is well outside my budget) and how to figure out a way to rig up a system that would allow me to control the umbrella's shade with minimal fuss and muss. Finding these umbrellas is not easy and most of the time I run up against some issues like my inability to read kanji on Japanese web pages. Google translate also doesn't like to work all that well on many order pages either so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do there to order them either. I have found a few import tuner umbrellas and some European car manufacture umbrellas but they are not exactly what I'm looking for as they are just simply regular umbrellas and tend to be smaller than what I'm looking for.

The biggest problem is that due to the wedding that I'm attending at the end of June all my funding is tied up in doing that and even if I did find one that I wanted and could find out how to order it I'd still have to wait for a while to pick it up. In the mean time though I did find and order the 2008 Official Super GT Race Queen guide. So while I'm waiting to find my elusive umbrella I can drool over those hotties from Super GT.

Here are some of the ones that I found so far that are interesting. You have to scroll down a bit for some of them as they don't have individual pages for the umbrellas.


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