Project Blue Earth SOS

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Finished up this wonderful retro sci-fi anime series this weekend but for the life of me couldn't find any good large pictures to share for the post. Found a lot of great ecchi looking for pictures though but you can do that search on your own time.

Brief Summary: With only six episodes it feels more like a made for TV movie than anything and if it wasn't for the juggling of shows from Netflix I probably could have finished this much sooner than I did but it's still finished. Project Blue Earth SOS is a lot like Hardy Boys meets Flash Gordon. You have two young boys with genius level intelligence that are the focus of stopping an invading army of Aliens bent on taking over the world. Throw in some potential love interests, the Flash Gordon type soldier and a group of super secret agencies with all sorts of wonderful retro weapons and rockets all in the fight to save the Earth.

The twists and of course there will be twists is that the aliens are actually evolved experiments from one CRAZY scientist who wanted to populate space. They started off looking like one of girls and ended up evolving into insectoid like humans. The reason they are invading Earth is not only to take it over but to find some scientific formula that would enable them to blend with the regular humans and extending their lives.

My Opinion: This would be a great series for Saturday morning cartoons if it was longer (well minus the killing and stuff though) it has great action the leading roles are all young people and yeah it has a good plot even if it's a pretty standard aliens take over the world affair. The twists definitely make it more interesting. I also love the retro sci-fi technology and weapons. If you like that sort of thing than this might be right up your ally and now that all three disks are out it should be pretty easy to get all six episodes watched in a weekend even from Netflix. I enjoyed it and honestly I think my dad would as well since he grew up with all that retro sci-fi tech.

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