
posted by sooyup on , , ,

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One the most anticipated movies of this year for me is Cencoroll and thankfully it was just recently released on DVD in Japan and subsequently fansubbed right away. Which means I gobbled it up as fast as I could find a good quality version. Even though it was shorter than I thought it would be (only 25 minutes or so) it was well worth the wait and hopefully someone is smart enough to license it so that I can purchase it as well. Crunchyroll are you listening?

Crunchyroll does have a trailer for Cencoroll up so maybe they will license it but in any case on with my itty-bitty review of an itty-bitty movie.

Even though it's an anime series episode length movie and really feels like it could easily be series it really does pack a lot of good storytelling into it's short run time. Cenco is the large gelatinous monster controlled by the main protagonist, Cenco can change shape and size and the two seek out other monsters for Cenco to eat. One day they meet a young girl who notices Cenco in Bike form and decides to tag along with the protagonist and ask him about Cenco. While she is tagging along another monster and controller attack them. Cenco and the protagonist fight back but it's the girl who ends up saving them after the protagonist gives her control of Cenco and she is able to wrestle control of the attacker's second larger monster away from him and save Cenco and the protagonist. The movie leaves off with a nice possibility of a sequel or addition "episodes" but for what it was it was a really good flick much like the original Blood: The Last Vampire. Short, sweet, to the point and left you wanting more but knowing there probably wouldn't be any more.

Check out the second trailer here:

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