March 14th is Steak and BJ day!

posted by sooyup on

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Best damn holiday of the year if you get to celebrate it that is. In Japan they have a tradition that on February 14 girls give the guy they like chocolates and that is called Red Day then one month later on March 14 the men do the same for the women and give them chocolate on what is called White day. Honestly it's all just made up Holidays so that people will spend money on sweets and what have you.

Here in America it's a bit different and we have Valentine's day where the men give the girls the chocolates, diamonds, mortgages and well you get the idea. Well not to long ago someone who probably heard of White day, or just fed up with Valentine's Day decided that on March 14 the women needed to pay us back and what better way than with a great steak and a blowjob so thus we now have the best damn holiday for us guys (so long as we were good on Valentine's Day) called simply Steak and BJ day. Yeah that kicks White Day all to hell doesn't it. I couldn't find a Moe cute girl feeding her guy a steak and also since I can't post a picture of a Bj you get this lovely and tasty picture of a Steak instead, Happy Steak and BJ day.

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