Gravion Zwei

posted by sooyup on , ,

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Thanks to the Netflix settlement giving me an extra disk at a time during last month I received Gravion Zwei quit by accident (forgot to update my queue) because of the trip to Seattle and the photography job all three disks showed up at the same time. Not one to skip out on watching an entire series at once I marathoned the series while working on various projects so while I watched it I didn't really give it my entire attention and honestly I suck at the summary parts because I don't want to make it to long yet not to short so if you really want to know more than what I have to tell you you might want to head over to wiki's page on Gravion for the plot and more in depth review of the series.

What I will tell you about Gravion Zwei is that it's a lot of Mecha action and a lot of fan service jiggling and well it's chuck full of MAIDS, lots and lots of maids. So if you like mecha and maids it's definitely a show for you. I think because I wasn't paying a great amount of attention to it I found it to be a lot of fluff and fun with the tried and true Evil mecha shows up, good mecha pilots do a lot of screaming and gestulating to activate their mecha and battle begins. City gets destroyed in the middle of the battle and bad mecha gets destroyed and much fanservicing ensues. There's nothing wrong with that really as I found my self chuckling a lot while watching. But then I never take this type of show serious to begin with so wasn't expecting much.

I originally added Gravion Zwei to my Netflix queue after seeing a trailer for it on another disk that I had rented from Netflix some time ago and forgotten about it (I think it's been on the queue since the first year or so that I've been on Netflix which has been wow a long time...2004) and never new it was a sequel to another show but after watching it I have to say that I did enjoy the show and didn't regret renting it. It's kind of old in anime life circles as it came out several years ago (2004) so it's showing it's age but if you haven't checked it out before and like that kind of show or where thinking about it checking it out and have a little extra time I think it's worth a rental atleast. It does suck that I only got an extra two DVD rentals during that Netflix settlement upgrade but I guess two is better than none.

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