Weekly review

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So the first full week of May is over and thus it's now time to shove the A/C into the window because Spring is gone (was it ever really here?) and it's only going to get hotter. Bleh, I hate the heat. Today is a special day and I hope none of you forgot that Mother's Day is today. If you did forget stop reading this and go call your mom and grandma already. I got my cards mailed off in the nick of time thankfully. One more week for my IRS stimulas check to be deposited, can't happen soon enough. Of course I won't be doing much stimulating with it as it's going straight to my debt...poo. But I had fun making that debt so it's alright.

This week has been a busy one for anime watching as a downpour of releases seemed to flow out this week compared to the trickle that I usually see. I believe that I have up to episode 5 on many of the shows that I've been watching. I was reading some blogs the other day and heard that Kanokon was actually popular among gradeschool kids, both boys and girls, what parent in their right mind would let gradeschoolers watch a fanservice rich show like Kanokon. But that's life I guess parents just don't pay enough attention to their kids these days and look what happens. I would however let them watch Allison & lillia which has turned out to be a great little show even if you have no freaking idea who the hell Lillia is.

So yeah a pretty slow week with loads of anime but little else and next week looks much the same. Once again don't forget your mothers and grandmothers today.

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