Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor

posted by sooyup on , , ,

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Just finished the fourth season of Ikkitousen and I have to say that it did a better job of following in the footsteps of the first two season than the third one did. A much better effort was put forth in Xtreme Xecutor than Great Guardians but it is still the great girl fighter genre with all the clothes tearing and exposed Nipple action that you've all come to love about Ikkitousen.

The basic premise of Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor is the same as the other seasons. Area schools are all involved in a fighting championship type warfare.  The leaders are all ancestors of famous warriors from the warring states period and are characters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. They are all destined to fight each other and for the most part things are rather peaceful at the moment until a new character, a young girl set on avenging her dead brother, starts a fight at one of the schools.

Her story ark is only a small part to the main plot of this season and she makes her rounds from one school to the next until the new head leader decides to challenge all of the school's heads and sets a trap for them.

The main bad guy this time around is some lost soul who died in the second season and was reincarnated as this super being who is out to kill all of the fighters and raise his army of soldiers to take over the world...blah blah blah.

The fighters get tricked into going on a boat to an island to be captured for one on one fights. The rest of the plot revolves around the girls fighting. Once that is all taken care of and the bad guy is defeated we return to the school and everything is peaceful again. All except for one person who's out to take out the head of one of the schools. The new girl figured this out and comes to the rescue only to be taken out at the last minute and herself rescued by the one person that she wanted to get revenge on and is told to not go done that road.

All ends well once again and no one important is killed off or severally hurt this time around. There is plenty of eye candy to go around even the eye catches are naked for the most part. Of course it surprises me that at the moment there isn't a whole lot of new fanservice released for this new season unlike previous seasons. I am definitely looking forward to the new batch of DVD specials that I'm sure is to follow along shortly. Over all I thought this season was better than the third and it brought the franchise back to where it needed to be compared to the the third season. Now the question is will this be the last Ikkitousen season or not?  I'd imagine that this will sooner or later be licensed here in the States but it'll be a while since the second season was barely released and based on those sales the third one will come out then this one.  So that's a dang long time really. 

Check out the promo for Ikkitousen -- Xtreme Xecutor below:

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