Shooter Saturday -- AK47

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When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherf***er in the room, accept no substitutes. A line made famous by Samual L Jackson in the movie Jackie Brown as he's watching a bikini clad girl unleash lead from a full automatic AK47. And that is exactly what the AK47 can do. It could easily be said that the AK47 is the most popular and famous firearm of all time and it will be around until we are all gone. I wanted to hold off on doing the AK47 for my Shooter Saturday feature just because it's too easy the gun it's just that good.

I've fired semi-auto clones but I've never laid my hands on the real deal but just about every other person on the planet has if you think about just how many there are world wide. Used by more forces than any other firearm and produced by more companies and countries than any other firearm in more types than any other firearm that is just how impressive the history of the AK47 is compared to just about any other firearm that has been put in the hands of soldiers both good and bad.

When most people hear the AK47 name they think of terrorists, gang-bangers and just about any other type of bad guy that you could think of but the AK47 is not just used by the bad guys some peace keeping soldiers also employ varies types of AK47 firearms and with the former prices of semi-auto clones there are many AK47s in the hands of people with no ill intentions. I missed out on the lower priced ones and honestly I don't see myself getting one anytime soon unfortunately.

While most people think that the AK47 is just a wood stocked non-tacticoolable firearm however many companies are out building and designing new parts and stocks to allow the AK47 to take advantage of today's new optics and rail accessories. As well as better more reliable stocks and some companies even designing better magazines as well.

I get a weekly email from Suarez International USA that is almost always discussing something interesting and relevant to the AK47 but mostly these guys are a serious gun school that teaches several different classes using the AK47 and is a great place to learn things from. If I were to ever do a class like that I'd definitely hit these guys up. The e-mail is great though if you never take one of their courses. Buy stuff from them.

Interesting enough the main reason why I decided to do the AK47 now is because I found on the newsstand this last week a new GUNS & AMMO Complete Book of the AK47 magazine it's a bit spendy at $9 but it is just chuck full of AK goodness so pick it up at your local newsstand today.

Video from the Discovery channel on the AK47

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