The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009

posted by sooyup on , , ,

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Strange way to do a second season but than that isn't anything new for for the likes of Haruhi Suzumiya. So lets just get this part out of the way so we can move on...HAHA you guys got TROLLED! Love, the crew at Kyoto Animation. Talk about a huge facepalm.jpg moment in anime history. OK now that that is out of they way it's time to somewhat review just the new episodes of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya which is a handful of episodes before and after the dreaded endless 8 story arc which is much the bane of the Haruhi fans. These new episodes are of course mixed in with the episodes of the original series which makes the original series more linear and probably helps with making more since of the Haruhi universe. I'm just so glad I'm not a rabbed fan.

But I am a fan and I enjoyed the original season and like everyone else I was looking forward to the upcoming season but I wasn't going nuts about it I figured it would get here when it gets here but I wasn't exactly expecting it to be aired like it was. That was definitely something different but I think it probably helped out the fans to keep every thing organized and in line with the entire story without having to go back and watch the original season on DVD to remember what the hell is going on.

That is until you hit the endless 8 arc and you realized that you just got trolled by Kyoto Animation or at least that is what a lot of people are thinking. While even I got bored of trying to find all the different things in each episode (surprised there isn't more fanservice of all the different swimsuits) it does help to convey the feelings of the characters or something like that. I don't really know but I'm not to upset about the whole thing anyways and hey it's Haruhi did you really expect anything less from them.

That brings us to the last arc the story of how the Movie that started it all was filmed and the troubles that poor Kyon has to go through. At least he finally grows a pair and steps up to the plate to do battle with Haruhi straight on and tells her that what she's doing is wrong and that she needs to stop even if he has to knock that idea into her head. With that development I think The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya redeemed itself in the end with that. So I'll be renting this when it comes state side (hopefully sooner than later) to support it but I really gotta wonder about their marketing with the endless 8 arc but I guess it's selling well enough so meh it was good enough to keep me entertained but not worth purchasing at release time maybe when it's released as a complete collection and a good price point.

I couldn't find a trailer or preview for it so enjoy the opening sequence

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