Weekly Review

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What a week.  OK so most of the week wasn't all that but then Friday happened and it all just went to shit.  Of course that left my weekend totally messed up.  Thankfully there has been a lot of new Race Queen pictures to keep me occupied the rest of the week.  What's even better is that the next Super GT race is fast approaching on Sept 12 when the series returns to the Fuji Speedway.  Enjoy the lovely Race Queen and I'll get back to the crappy week.

So this week at work sucked thanks to the fact that three girls quit like I told you about one girl was gone when the week started another was done on Wednesday.  The last girl was supposed to work through the weekend but she called up on Friday and said that she's quitting that day.  That put the ones of us still working in a huge bind and left me sharing a 12hr shift on Friday with the morning shift girl.  So after I got home from work at 9am I was heading back to work at 7pm for the longest damn shift ever.  I did 6 long hours of laundry and was just done with it at that point since I was so damn sore and tired.  I did make it thought the shift even on three hours of sleep.

Why did I only get 3 hours of sleep?  Well that's what really made Friday the suck.  I was getting ready to head to sleep for the day when some one came around pounding on the front door.  Thinking it was just a lame ass sales person I went to investigate what the hell could be so important.  While I was walking to the door I could see smoke out the kitchen window so I definitely wanted to see what was up.  When I answered the door the guy told me there was a fire in the backyard, FUCK. We went out to the backyard and found out that the fire wasn't in my backyard but in the neighbor's backyard behind us.  You could see the smoke rising up from behind the fence.  Thankfully the fire department was already on the scene and had the fire put out pretty quickly.  I took some pictures which you can check out on flickr

So with Friday a complete mess I wasn't able to post the Foxy Friday Feature or my RQ Team feature on the other blog as well.  When I finally made it home on Saturday morning I just went to bed so that I could get some sleep before heading out for MoNAC which was pretty good as usual.  Of course I was going to work on those features when I got back but that didn't happen as I sat down and fell asleep watching F1 qualifying.  So I went back to bed and slept until about 4 in the morning when I finally woke up and decided to finally get those features posted and watched a very interesting F1 race.  Hopefully this next week wont be so bad but with out knowing how the new girl at work will work out it's anyone's guess.  

A good thing that happened this week was that I finally got my first payment from Google Adsense (thanks for the support everyone!) and before I could think of ways to spend it Hobby Link Japan told me that my pre-ordered Black Rock Shooter Figma was ready to be shipped.   So half of the money went to them and I spent the rest on a Porsche Logo sticker and some cool Gurren Lagann Blind Box Figures which I just found at Hastings (looking for a used copy of Paprika which I didn't find).  There was two types of Figures and I lucked out on one set getting the two Yoko figures so I don't have to pick any more them up but I wasn't so lucky with the other one.  So I'm a bit doomed as I really want to get the Yoko figures of the second set dang it. 

So with all that what awesome video am I going to leave you with this week?  That's a good question. 
How about a strange Exercising with Hwang Mi Hee video?

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