Week ending Feb 22

posted by sooyup on

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Yet again I'm sort of late on the whole week ending thing. That's because it has been a busy hecktick week. Well the first part was pretty standered fair you know the same old same old work, sleep routine. Thankfully they finally finished working on the house though. Actually scratch that I think there is one last thing they have to finish and that's sealing the grout on the kitchen and bathroom tiles.

So yeah lots of busy stuff at the end of the week. Friday was a crazy day. I got home and rushed though the bedrooms cleaning them up and getting everything cleaned up so that the new roommate could move in. To my surprisement I actually finished cleaning it up about midday on Friday.

But that wasn't the only thing that happened on Friday. Some Turkish Russians stopped by from the apartment across the street on Friday afternoon and asked if they cook some rice in the back yard. I told them it would be alright so long as they didn't burn down the place. Turned into an interesting study in the cultural diversity that is in the community. I got $20, a big bowl of food which by the way was really good and some culture all for really only a couple hours or standing around listening to stories. Well that and my hoodie smells like a fireplace but it's all good. I took some pictures with the cell phone so as soon as I get them uploaded I'll post them here.

Last but not least Scott the new roommate moved in yesterday which was a hugely busy day. Now we just need to find a home for all of his things and mine so this week will still be busy with the small odds and ends that Scott still has to move over from his house. Fun fun let me tell you.

So yeah where is all the Otaku stuff? Fuck it's just been to damn busy with everything that's been going on with moving and fixing the house that I just haven't had time to post more about the cool stuff. I haven't even been out shooting in a month and let me tell you my trigger finger is way freaking itchy. I even bought a new Porsche diecast car but can't post about it because I don't have any place to take pictures at the moment with the new and cool photography tent. AARRGGGHHH...SUCKAGE I tell you.

March should be a better month for the cool stuff. Especially since there are some seriously cool anime movies coming out that month as well.

later...it's back to cleaning and organizing the house some more.

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