Custom Ruger 10/22

posted by sooyup

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Just like everyone else on the planet it seems I purchased a standerd Ruger 10/22 Carbine and started modding away. I've been meaning to get one for some time but just haven't been able to for a while mostly because I didni't want to spend a ton of money on it to begin with.

So I started off with a used (purchased for $180) 10/22 took it apart and cleaned it up. I replaced the barrel with a 16" Flutted Bull Barrel (purchased for $100/traded in barrel and stock) and replaced the stock with a Hogue overmolded stock (purchased for $70). Probably one of better stocks out there really. Added a scope rail (purchased for $20) for a red dot scope and ordered one of those poly bolt stop plugs (purschased for $8). I did a lot of looking around for a good quality but inexpensive red dot scope and purchased a Hammer's 2x42 scope (purchased for $72 including shipping). So for a grand total of $450 I have a pretty nice Ruger 10/22 but I'm not finished with it just yet. It's not complete yet. I also ended up picking up another bipod (purchased for $40) for it and will be getting a Tactical Solutions extended magazine release (will be $40) in the next few weeks. So that will bring it to $530 for now.

Now that I have it put together how does it shoot? We took it to Impact Guns on Saturday (busiest day at the busiest time nonetheless) and zero'd in the scope. Had a few little hick-ups whith the first couple of magazines but after a while we didn't have any problems hitting the bullseye. For red dot scope that as far as I could tell was only used by airsofters it did pretty well it's nice and heavy duty and keeps zero without any problems. I also found that if I keep the dust covers opening to the left instead of up I can aim better.

Now I have a nice new toy that's fun to shoot and something that I've built myself. I do have plans to add a new bolt and a match trigger to it as well but that will have to wait for a while.

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