Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky

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As a fan of Air Gear both the anime and later the manga I was really looking forward to the new OVA that went from a special one parter to now having at least another one or two OVAs as well.  Hell YA!  that makes me happy.  The only problem is that I stopped reading the scanlations of Air Gear because there was just to much going on at the time and I really haven't gone back to it.  And it's a shame as I really like Oh! Great's art work. Of course that also means I was just a little bit lost with the OVA even though I'm sure I've read that part of the manga.  I do remember some of the scenes at least.

So yeah Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky is based off the fight between Ringo and Ikki that occurs during the 16th volume of the manga.  The biggest problem with this is that if you never read the manga and you only watched the anime you are seriously going to be lost at the moment you start watching the OVA.  Ringo the cute little girl and Ikki's childhood friend is VERY grown up and totally kicks Simca's ass in the first couple minutes.  This totally pisses off ol' Ikki. and soon enough it's on like Donkey Kong.  Ikki still lives with Ringo and the fight is instigated by some dude who kisses Ringo and tells Ikki that they are sabotaging his air tricks.  Soon enough the two are in a battle to race across town.  No air trick race is that simple.  Soon both are doing trick movies and fighting it out in what has to be some of the best animated sequences I've seen in a while.

That's one of the really good things that the OVA has going for it the high quality of the animation. The rest is just too short to really hook you and with the break in the story line you're just lost without knowing what's going on.  But if you're a fan of the series you'll want to check it out. 

Of course it wouldn't be an Oh! Great anime without a good helping of the fanservice and the OVA definitely fills the quota on the Fanservice.  Not nearly as good as the cover art though.  Now why none of that is out there for download is beyond me.  Can't find any good screencaps anywhere for it.  I think they did a wonder job of incorporating a lot of splash pages from that section of the Manga as they were instantly recognized and just stunning looking.

As a whole the OVA was a great look back at  series that I really did like back in the day and makes me want to go back and read some more of that manga but from what I understand it's gotten pretty stagnate and going no where fast.  Something that should have probably been finished off and given a good end.  Can't wait for the next OVA to be released early next year

Check out the trailer below.

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