Weekly Review

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Not nearly as late this time around with the Weekly Review even though I've had a pretty busy weekend.  The roommate is off in Hailey looking after his parents house and he took Mr. Wiggleslot with him so I have the house to myself for a while.  That means CLEAN but I started a little project earlier in the week which has taken all weekend to finish.  And I've been busy looking for the latest and greatest in Race Queens and have found some good stuff this week.

So I've had two computers that I got from work that were just going to be thrown out so I picked them up and brought them home.  Roommate laughed and said those are just going to sit around for a while now aren't they.  Well I proved him wrong as I dismantled the older one for spare parts (for sale by the way) and I checked the other computers power supply which I believed to be the reason it wasn't working and sure enough that's the only problem the computer had.  So a new power supply, a reformat and clean install of Windows XP later I have a new computer.

That means that finally MoNAC has it's own computer as I'm giving the group my old one that way no one has to bring their own laptop and the group now doesn't have to rely on a couple people to bring equipement to the meetups (when ever we start those up again).  And with the clean install of windows I can finally blog realiably from my desktop computer and I don't have to rely on the laptop to do posts.  So maybe I'll get around to doing more blogs again. It just took me all weekend to get the new computer to work right though.

But that wasn't the only thing I did the week or weekend.  Well actually during the week it was mostly just work and getting things ready to tear into on the computer.  The guys from MoNAC picked up the tots for the Anime Oasis meetup that I didn't go to because I was busy with the computers and a bit drunk as I was nursing some Stella Artois while I worked and read the newest Article on RAUH-Welt Begriff which you can check out on the car blog.

Also since the roommate took the RX8 I got to use the garage to check out the underside of my car, the brakes and suspension on the car and I was surprised what I saw.  I have a very slight leak from the oil and power steering but nothing like the old Lumina.  It's the power steering as well that I believe is making the noise when I have the tires turned to lock but I did notice a crack in the passenger side CV boot so it also might be that as well.  Thankfully I still have some pad left on the brake pads though so don't need to replace those just yet.  I'll really need to replace the tires first and get an alignment as I have some neg camber going on in the back good enough to round off one of the tires.

Not to bad though I thought there was going to be more.  I also found out that if the fuel pump ever goes out it'll be much easier to fix as it's outside of the gas tank but the fuel filter looks like a serious pain in the ass.  So now I'm just chilling and writing my weekly review and completing the setup of the new computer.  Found some good videos this week as well.

Awesome Anime Trailer

It's Gumball 3000 time again

It's hard not to find this lady's videos very interesting

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