2011 Summer Anime Season

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Where did spring go that the Summer season of anime is right around the corner? I'm so far behind on the Spring season that I'm still watching some winter season shows. But here we go again with a new season and some new shows. Thankfully from what I've seen and read about the previews it looks like there isn't a whole lot of stuff that I really want to watch from this summer season.

Another good thing about the summer season is that it doesn't look the good series start until July and June is full of OVA/OAD releases so it'll be easy to pick things off early and play catch up with the Spring season until July.  As usual there is more of the same old same old this summer as well so it's not looking like I'll end up picking up a lot of stuff unless it looks like it's fun when I see reviews on 4chan and other places. With that this is what I'll be picking up.

Appleseed XIII:  Well it looks like a CGI overload series and I don't know if this is a series, a movie a large OVA series or what exactly I'm still willing to give this one a shot at making me want to care about Appleseed again.  The people look like shit CGI but the rest looks good maybe the story will make it more watchable.

Blade:  Iron Man was OK Wolverine fizzled out and X-men is just sitting there so really why am I punishing myself thinking of watching this one?  Well because I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment and because god damn it I don't have G4 TV anymore. 
--no preview yet--

Blood -C:  More from The Blood series of School Girl Vampire killing Monsters done up by CLAMP (hellow long legs anime) and Production I.G.  It's worth a shot dang it.

Manyuu Hikenchou: This will by the summer seasons fanservice guilty pleasure as it revolves and large breasted ninja ladies.  Enough said I think.

No. 6:  It looked promising but it's heavy on the BL so I don't know how much I'll like this one as I'm not a fan of the BL scene. 

Sacred Seven:  I need some mecha action and this might fit the bill, trailer looked somewhat promising so I'm going to give it a shot for now.

And with that I'm done with the anime series that I'm thinking about watching.  I might add some I might drop some but for now that's what I find interesting.  Now on the other hand the OVA specials and one offs well looks like I'll finally be finishing off some stuff there as well.

OVA/OAD Specials --
Air Gear -- Break on the Sky: Third OVA of awesomeness

Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail:  Will finally finish with the fifth OVA.
--no preview yet--

Fairy Tale OVA 2:  A high school themed OVA that looks like it'll be funny.
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Kiss X Sis:  Can't help myself but will the ban have any effect on it?
--no preview yet--

Kore wa Zombie desu ka?:  Really enjoying the series so it's only natural to pick up the OAD.
--no preview yet--

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