Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie: Lagann-hen

posted by sooyup on , , ,

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ROW ROW fight the power! YES, freaking yes, finally! I has a big happy now that I've had a chance to watch the final Gurren Lagann movie. And it was EPIC! There's no doubt that I'm a huge fan of the series and I've been looking forward to the second movie since it was announced. I loved the first movie and all the new stuff they added and it's the same for the second movie.

Lagann-hen covers the second half of the series and while I know you can't fit everything from the series into the movie they did a pretty good job of making up for it with the additional scenes that they added. I thought it was touching that they showed Simon building Kamina's statue. Of course as a fan of Yoko I didn't like that we didn't get more Yoko School Teacher fanservice. Poo...

The biggest change in the movie I thought has to be that many of the people who sacrificed their lives to save their friends and family didn't die in the movie. I think it took just a little bit away from the emotional toll of the series, but I know the cuts had to be made. Kittan still got to do his big heroic sacrifice of course so there is still that.

The stuff they did add though was pretty freaking epic. If you thought the big boss battle in the first movie was over the top. Holey hell the big boss battle of this one is galatically over the top. Everyone gets their own giant sized Tengen Toppa mecha that combine to make a supersized spirit Kamina. The fit whittles down to Simon and the Anti-Spiral who duke it out old school with their fists until Simon pulls a drill out of thin air and punches a hole though the Anti-Spiral.

Sadly Nia doesn't get a happy ending in the end either and she fades into nothingness once again ending the movie on a bitter sweet moment just like the series. Don't forget to watch after the credits as we see Simon wandering the planet fulfilling Nia's wish to plant flowers and plants around the world.

Oh and yes you get some naked nipples of Yoko and Nia some people were looking forward to those scenes and while they are definitely there it's in a very washed out manner to not be all that exciting so it's a draw on that fanservice aspect.

I so want some licensed DVD goodness of the two movies and the Yoko music video dang it some body best be working their asses off to get it done so that I can buy the movies and enjoy them in glorious 1080p goodness.

Here is a short clip of the movie.

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