Today (Oops posted a bit's actually February 14, 2010) is the actual New Year according to the Chinese Lunar calendar and 2010 is the year of the Metal Tiger and it's a rather special new year since it's also the same day as Valentine's day. The Chinese New Year is also the Spring Festival and is the most important family celebration of the year for the Chinese. So it's party time!
While the 15 days of celebration is cool and all you're probably wondering what's cool about the Year of the Tiger. Well the Tiger tends to be a rather active year with lots of drama both good and bad so this year might just be an interesting year. You can find out more about the Tiger horoscope here.
What I really like about the new year of course is all the wonderful new fanservice both 2D and 3D alike that always seems to crop with the new year theme. This year's no exception with the Tiger strip theme. Yum.
Found this video and hey it has cute Chinese girls dancing so it's all good.