FMA Brotherhood OVA: Simple People

posted by sooyup on , ,

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Another short story OVA included in the DVD release. Simple People is the story of why Riza grew her hair out and why Winry pierced her ears and how she came to have so many earrings. This one is more comical and funny than the other one is and pretty good for only being about half an hour long. Oh and to stir up the rumor mill [adult swim] might have acquired the rights to air FMA brotherhood. Everyone is keeping their mouths shut on the three new anime series that [adult swim] picked up and to be honest I highly doubt it was FMA Brotherhood since it hasn't been dubbed by anyone and you know [adult swim] wont be showing subs

Anyways back to the show...Remember when Riza and Winry first met and were talking about why Riza was in the military? Apparently that made an impression on Winry and because of that she decided to pierce her ears.

Ed and Al heard that Winry had pierced her ears and were looking for a souvenir to take back with them for when they went to visit Winry and have Ed's arm fixed and decided to take her some earrings. Hilarity ensues when the two fight about the Broken automail and it's put on hold when Ed gives Winry the earrings.

After another fierce battle Ed once again damages his automail and knowing that a little jewelry will get him out of getting a spanner to the head takes another set back to Winry only to find out that all of the earrings that Ed and Al gave her last time are in her ears and once they are heading out again the notice that she already has the latest set pierced in her ears. Ed realizes that if he keeps coming back to Winry to fix his arm with earrings she's going to have a very holey set of ears.

It's a fun little story that shows us why Winry has so many earrings and a little more relationship growing on their part but it's before we find out that Winry is in love with Ed.

Riza makes her appearance after that while she is walking into the firing range with her now rather long hair down making all the soldier boys do a double take. She talks to one of the other lady shooters about why she let her hair grow out and she mentions meeting Winry and looking at her long hair and discusses something about Simple people making everything come full circle. Basically a fun mindless extra story that's a nice bonus for the DVDs

I couldn't find a good trailer for this so I'm just tossing up the ending that features Winry for you to enjoy.

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