Such a speedy week yet again. At least this week nothing terrible happened at least nothing terrible that relates to anything I'm interested in any ways. So yeah of course this is a break week before the next major autocross event which will be in Hailey ID the at the end of the week it also means I'm only working three days this week. SWEET! But lets go back to this last week. Mostly a eat, sleep and work week there was at least a few things that I got done this week. But no new photography so this week it's another hottie Race Queen because there was a bunch of racing going on this weekend (and no I didn't watch any Super GT stuff, for shame I know).
I know I punched my first class one way ticket to hell this week. Last day of work I come into work and I see a couple school buses, thinking, "great tonight's going to suck." Well turns out it was two different cross country track teams and both were all girl teams. Nice right, well it gets better one of them was a Catholic School that's right Catholic School Girls...drooling yet? Well it gets even better, because the girls were in the pool when I got there and while I try not to look it's hard not to since we have windows overlooking the pool from the front desk area so any time you look up you're looking out the windows to the pool. So I had Catholic School Girls in swimsuits and while I was still trying not to look one of them came out of the pool in her swimsuit to ask were the bathroom was and damn if she wasn't a cute Asian girl. Oh yeah an Asian Catholic school girl in a swimsuit...yup I definitely got that first class one way ticket to hell punched that day because I checked that girl out and it was worth it.
Dirty old bastard moment over the rest of work was pretty tame and nothing to exciting happened other than that, pretty much the same at home as well. Did some cleaning and what not but that's pretty normal. Played through Halo 3 ODST on Co-op and while the game is definitely different and in some cases better than the regular Halo 3 I as well as everyone else in our house was just a bit annoyed that the four player Co-OP mode cold only be used with another XBOX360 and game. FUCK we thought you could do it in the split screen but I guess that's what we get for not making doubly sure that we could do Co-Op and Firefight in split screen mode with four players. Also What the hell is up with no real flashlight damn it some of those places are really damn dark and hard to navigate without a real flashlight.
Now I'm just looking forward to next week a nice three day work week and a fun day of autocross in Hailey, ID. So yeah I might really have a few days off of blogging because I'll have no computer for a few days. I do have some interesting stuff coming up for the blog this week since I've been able to finish a few more anime series and have found some interesting stuff to blog about. And just for a fun thing to post how about some lovely Aki Hoshino video goodness.
posted by sooyup on autocross, Hoshino Aki, Race Queens, weekly review, youtube