Sorry for the lack of posts lately, just haven't seen anything worth posting about and I haven't finished anything lately until last night when I finally finished Shangri-La the latest anime with character designs from one of my favorite illustrators Range Murata based on a light novel that integrates both sci-fi and supernatural elements. I was sold on the anime the minute I found out that it was going to feature character designs by Range Murata and while I wasn't entirely impressed with the first few episodes by the end I was rather glad that I didn't drop it like I was thinking of doing. Shangri-La also marks the first series that I've watched entirely on Crunchyroll (well OK so I couldn't wait another 3 days for the final episode and I didn't want to start the subscription thing so I downloaded the last episode).
Shangri-La is one of those series with a lot of stuff going on, so much in fact that I just don't really know where to start my review. Or how to condense it all down into a relatively short review that encompasses everything about the series that makes it well worth watching. There's humor, action, romance and some series WTF moments. It also can be said to have a cautionary tale of what might happen (well minus the supernatural stuff of course) when global warming becomes a commodity to be traded. We already have a bit of global warming trading going on in real life as it is.
At the core of the story is Atlas a giant super-fortress of sorts that is controlled by the main baddy Ryoko who has to be the worst villain ever, a seriously sadistic bitch that played people used people and didn't care at all for anyone other than her own power over people. Thankfully in the end she gets what's coming to her rather poetically. Atlas is also the heart of the supernatural part of the story. Built on top of a long buried shrine that houses a mummified corps with a spear in her chest the original builders of Atlas began sacrificing young maidens to the goddess in order to keep Atlas from shaking apart. Hundreds of children were killed to become vessels for the resurrected goddess. Atlas is also the main prize for the terrorist group metal-age a group of citizens of Duomo, a city surrounded by an invading jungle, who want to make Atlas their home as well. In my opinion one of the larger WTF moments was when Ryoko massacred an entire girls youth detention center just because she was finished playing warden.
The leader of Metal-age is a young teenage girl who uses a unique sci-fi boomerang as a weapon. At first she doesn't want to be the leader of the group but during the series she goes through some hardships and see that she does need to become the leader of the group and once she does she becomes a very capable leader who at the end bests Ryoko and saves the world from total destruction. Thankfully her, her bodyguard Momoko the transvestite and the three old Otakus of Akihabara provide a lot of comedy relief through out the series otherwise I think it would be a bit more gloomy and not nearly as fun to watch.
There are a ton of other people including Karen the computer wiz with an innate ability to manipulate the carbon market but ends up as just another Ryoko pawn. Then there is Mikuni and her bunch Mikuni is a little girl with the ability to tell when someone is not telling her the truth. When that happens she is able to simply crush the person's body and kill them. She's really bratty until Miko comes along and befriends her and settles her down but once again Ryoko has an easy time of manipulating her when she takes Miko away from Mikuni and kills Miko by sacrificing her to the goddess. In the end Miko saves Mikuni and takes away her power to kill people and gives her the gift of being able to go out into the sunlight. And there are just a ton of other characters that round out the story each with their own important part to take in the story.
I couldn't believe they crammed so much stuff, rather well actually, into a 24 episode series without seeming rushed. The plot develops rather nicely at a good rate without giving things away early or being able to be seen from a mile away. I never thought once, "oh I saw that coming." To accomplish that several important questioned where simply not answered at the end and while it really wasn't important to the overall story it would have been nice to have them answered anyways. Overall though it was a good series with some great art and a well done story. It's also one that you can watch free and clear with a guilty free conscience thanks to Crunchyroll. No idea though on a DVD release.
You can check out a trailer for Shangri-La here...
posted by sooyup on anime, crunchyroll, Range Murata, youtube