Happy Labor Day

posted by sooyup on

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Hope you are all enjoying this fine Labor Day holiday. The last hooray of the summer so to speak. That's what's happened to the Labor Day Holiday anyway it's become the unofficial holiday of the end of summer. Sure it had some deep meaning and important meaning some time ago but now it's the last three day holiday of summer. The last time to really get out and enjoy the last bit of summer before fall closes in with it's cold and wet weather.

Of course with the end of summer and the Labor Day holiday it also brings with it the start of the football season the start of the fall TV lineup not to mention the fall anime lineup as well. In any case Summer is over and fall is here and I couldn't be happier. Well I could be if I didn't have seasonal allergies... Any ways enjoy the last unofficial day of summer and soak up the sun while you can.

No holiday present this time :(

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