Paying Photography job

posted by sooyup on

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Woot! It's been a while since I've done a photography job that actually paid so it was nice to get back into the swing of things and get some much needed extra cash for doing what I actually went to college for. This was actually a first of firsts for me as well as it's the first time I've rented a lens for a project and I'm happy that I did and like I mentioned in an earlier post it has been a great experience. It was also the first time I've really played with RAW files normally I just shoot JPGs and photoshop them but this time I did RAW and I'm glad I did. Was able to fix a lot of the lighting issues in post processing that way. Of course with my luck I also managed to really screw things up and after trying to get some night shots of the hotel I forgot to change the ISO back from 1600 to 200 and ended up shooting one of the hotels entirely in ISO1600 which meant all the pictures looked like crap and meant that I had to go back and re-shoot the hotel over again. Talk about major suckage. The second time I made sure and double checked.
Anyways I was able to finish the job yesterday in the afternoon and burned it all to CD for delivery so now I get to play the wait and see when I get paid game but I'm going to keep on them to make sure they hurry up because the lens is going back Thursday regardless of any retakes but I really don't think that will happen as I took a picture of everything that I thought was important and I'm not taking any pictures of dolled up stuff that isn't true to what it will look like to a person visiting the hotel like they wanted to in the first place. I uploaded a couple images to Flickr of the properties but don't think I'll post any more than that. I might later post a webpage of where the pictures are meant for but time will tell on that. It was definitely a fun job and I learned a bit more. Definitely well worth the effort and hopefully soon the paycheck as well.
Still have to do some re-shoots when they get the new signage for the property in Nampa and Meridian and they want head shots of the Managers and Front Desk Managers but since those were not in the original proposal I'll have to talk to them about those.

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