Autocross Oct 17, 2009

posted by sooyup on , , , , , , , ,

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Possibly the last autocross event of the season happened this last week and I was there to film and photograph it like usual. While this was a two day event with an enduro on Sunday I only attended Saturday's event since I had other plans for Sunday. Even though it's late in the season and getting colder you would think that it would cause attendance to drop but that's not the case. In fact the attendance at Saturday's event had some 90+ registered drivers there.

Of course the biggest news about Saturday's event was my first ever sighting of a Tesla Roadster which sure enough is an interesting car to behold. Seeing one autocross is an entirely different thing since it's so quiet yet pretty damn quick. Saturday also had a pretty large (although not as large as Hailey's event) turn out of Novice drivers again which made things interesting since the course was pretty interesting and left a few driver's confused and lost in the early morning.

This event also saw a few new cars out for first time in while like the insane C4 Black Corvette with a monster wing. The drivers went to Nationals and turned in some impressive times for a SSM car. But that wasn't the best part though late in the afternoon my roommate let one of the better drivers co-drive his Mazda RX8 which lasted all of one run when the car started to lose antifreeze through a leak in reserve tank. But that one run showed what the RX8 was capable of and did a nice tail out mini drift. With that car out they switched to driving the cheater EVO and the roommate ended up shaving some serious seconds off his best runs in the RX8.

With his runs done and me being tired and the memory cards being full we headed home a bit early (at like 4:30pm early) so that I could follow the roommate home to make sure the RX8 made it home OK with the Antifreeze leak. After a quick nap we went out and fixed the leaking antifreeze tank so he could race on Sunday again. It's only then that I learned there was a REAL Lamborghini Countach sitting out in the parking lot. Every one thought it was a fake so no one mentioned it to me until later some posted on the local car forum that they looked at it and it was real. Bummer deal for me but hey that's life right. I ended up with 78 videos and a staggering 157 pictures.

Anyways check out the Tesla Roadster autocrossing below, the only noise it made was from the tires squealing.

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